View Full Version : Quick question???

05-13-2013, 03:19 PM
I'm at docs office for follow up. My bp is 128/90 please tell me is that too high???? I tried to calm down but no chance of that yet. I HATE this feeling of being worried all the time!

05-13-2013, 05:01 PM
I also have like 132/80 and i have been anxious for 4 years, good thing though but im only 22 so could be that.

05-13-2013, 05:28 PM
Blessed that's really good for you considering I am pretty confident you have " White Coat Hypertension" which basically means you have a fear of the Dr, or more importantly what the DR is going to tell you. Relax, this stems from the trauma of your Mom's sudden death as we talked about before ( mortality shake up, anything can happen ) I say that's a good reading because 140/90 is borderline hypertension. Your numbers have never been in an acute danger zone. As soon as you leave the Drs office in fact often before you leave the DRS your BP will be coming down. Next time ask your Dr to take your BP after you have been there for awhile and deep breathe a little bit. Basically you are developing a fear of the BP Monitor, hang in there. How was everything else ?

05-14-2013, 06:07 AM
Yes it's like when that thing tightens my arm up my whole entire body tenses up and mind is like its gonna be high...,gonna be high! I had to have my liver enzymes rechecked again and got really anxious because last time they took several viles and got really queezy and almost passed out they had to give me ammonia thing. I've never done that before . But all is well . My doc told me that I was on my beta blocker for palpitations.... Not necessarily high blood pressure. What does all that mean?

05-15-2013, 06:40 AM
Yes it's like when that thing tightens my arm up my whole entire body tenses up and mind is like its gonna be high...,gonna be high! I had to have my liver enzymes rechecked again and got really anxious because last time they took several viles and got really queezy and almost passed out they had to give me ammonia thing. I've never done that before . But all is well . My doc told me that I was on my beta blocker for palpitations.... Not necessarily high blood pressure. What does all that mean?

What is your thought Judie? Or anyone that would like to comment?

05-15-2013, 09:43 AM
Hi , I can't reply to yr PM as says uve to many msgs so u cnt receive anymore til u delete sum

05-15-2013, 03:19 PM
Hi , I can't reply to yr PM as says uve to many msgs so u cnt receive anymore til u delete sum

How do I delete?

05-16-2013, 05:44 AM
How do I delete?

On my fone I just swop across and it asks if I want to delete

05-16-2013, 06:41 AM
Ok try again