View Full Version : Its too hard to accept
05-13-2013, 09:23 AM
I'm googling. A lot. I'm a mess.
These night sweats, low grade fever, swollen lymph node is getting to me. All signs of hogkins lymphoma.
Night sweats and low grade fever is a sign of miscarriage. Happened to me last time, just 5 months ago.
I feel helpless. I don't even know which doctor to go to first. Obgyn, ent or primary care? I'm a total mess right now. I'm total OCD with these thoughts. I want a life!
05-13-2013, 11:06 AM
Its for sure ur suffering from OcD, a nice physciatrist or nuerupath.. and describe all the things which r running in ur mind.. dont worry they are jist thoughta nothing is bad.. right nw I am feeling i will get a heart attack but i keep my telling me.brain its nothing ju tensed muscles in my chest..
Close ur eyes n keep quiet and concentrate on ir breathing, make thoughts fly out of ur head..
05-13-2013, 11:13 AM
My ob said I need to figure out what's going on. I'm going back to ent this afternoon. My friend told me to go to ER where they'll do all the testing I need. I don't know which way to go.
05-13-2013, 11:27 AM
My ob said I need to figure out what's going on. I'm going back to ent this afternoon. My friend told me to go to ER where they'll do all the testing I need. I don't know which way to go.
I would say just go to the ER, they'll do tests to check on you and baby
05-13-2013, 12:56 PM
I would definitely go and get checked on you and the baby :( poor thing hope all is well!
05-13-2013, 01:51 PM
I think in one of your other posts you mentioned you've already been to the Dr. for these symptoms, and he wasn't too worried about it, if I remember right? First thing you need to do is try and calm down a little. A low grade fever, night sweats, and swollen glands are not going to kill you. Take deep breaths and try to relax. Your body is going through a lot of changes right now and so it's normal to have all these different feelings. When is your next scheduled doctors appointment? If you really feel like going to the ER is going to help you, then by all means go. Do what you think is best for you and your baby. But to be honest, it sounds like your symptoms are harmless and you are starting to panic.
There were so many times where I would be extremely anxious and I would say to my husband "please we need to go to the hospital!" and he would have to talk me down and convince me it was just anxiety, and the hospital really can't do anything for that, except give you a nice big bill you'll have to pay.
And please please stop googling. I know you can see it is feeding your anxiety, making things worse. Do some meditation, listen to calming music, read a book, keep yourself busy so you're not always focusing on your symptoms and maybe you'll see that your symptoms aren't so bad when you're distracted.
05-13-2013, 02:21 PM
Yes, but the fever is rising. My ob said I need to figure out what's going on. It's not good for the baby.
05-13-2013, 02:29 PM
Yes, but the fever is rising. My ob said I need to figure out what's going on. It's not good for the baby.
Did you go to the ER defmunel?
05-13-2013, 03:03 PM
Not yet. I'm waiting for my friend to get home so she can take me. I can't go alone. I'm so scared.
05-13-2013, 07:52 PM
Went to ER. Ultrasound of baby was as good as they can hope. Couldn't see a heartbeat, but I'm only 5w1d according to them. My hcg levels are crazy high which is good.
My other blood counts are on the higher end of normal. That does scare me. They don't know why my gland is swollen. He suggests viral infection. If that's the case, I've had a viral infection for 2 months with no improvement. Just pure pressure running up and down my ear and neck. It's the most uncomfortable.
I'm at a loss. I'm very happy the baby is ok so far. I just wish I had an answer for this fever and pain.
05-13-2013, 08:14 PM
That's good news! Hope it helped to ease your mind. If they think viral infection, did they give you anything for it, or suggest anything to help it?
05-13-2013, 08:29 PM
I don't know forwells. I had every kind of blood test done. Kidney, liver, WBC rbc... All within normal limits. Although I have a lot of rbc. Don't know what that means. My friend is a pathologist and said all of my levels are not indicative of any cancer. Far from it. I need to accept that. Move on and forward. But what to do about the pain and pressure??? Just ignore it I suppose.
05-13-2013, 09:18 PM
Defmunel I too can relate to what your experiencing. I have started to convince myself that I may have hiv/aids even tho I am in a monogamous marriage for past 11 years. I have always suffered from anxiety but have been a relatively active healthy person, so I have been able to manage my mind. In the past 3 months I have had un-explained joint and muscle aches aswell as feeling drained, a death in the family and we bought a house. I have been under alot of stress. My doc has done all general blood tests which all come back fine. But for some reason I keep thinking what if I had contracted hiv before I met my husband. My glands have been a little swollen over past wk and my throat a little red, my doc says its a minor viral infection. I have decided to get hiv test with the support of my husband and I have booked in to go see a psychologist. I know im healthy and fine but my anxiety tells me otherwise. I have learnt that anxiety can effect us both mentally and physically. You have been given a clean bill of health for you and your bub which is great news. I suggest maybe going for a light stroll or something as I find moderate exercise helps me. Keep your head up.
05-14-2013, 07:14 AM
I woke this morning to bleeding. Here we go again! I've told my docs a thousand times, when I get a fever while pregnant I miscarry. They don't listen! I know my body!
05-14-2013, 07:30 AM
Bleeding? Have you contacted your OB? Where exactly are you bleeding from? You are in my thoughts and prayers. Easier said than done, but please try not to get upset. I would call your OB and request a detailed appointment. Stress is not good for the baby. Try to remain calm and call your OB.
05-14-2013, 07:31 AM
If your OB will not listen. I would get a second opinion. You owe it to your peace of mind to be comforted and reassured right now
05-14-2013, 08:27 AM
If you're pregnant and bleeding, you need to seek emergency medical attention since your OB will not listen.
I agree, you need to go to emergency.
I myself have been through 2 miscarriages recently. However bleeding can occur in pregnancy so don't feel all is lost yet. Thinking of you
05-15-2013, 07:46 AM
This will be long, so buckle up.
My ob was a total idiot yesterday. I called them explaining my situation. Firstly, they got upset at me because I went to the "wrong" emergency room. It will take them so long to get my medical records. I told her I have a copy of everything and I can tell them what they need to know.
Gave her my hcg levels and gestation of baby.
She told me shed call me back and see what the doc wants to do. 45 min later the phone rings. Nurse tells me she wants me to have my progesterone levels checked. If they're 20, I'm in the clear. If they're mid teens they'll put me on the hormone. If they're in the singles, I'm losing the baby. She told me to head down right away. That they are doing it stat.
Lab told me my doc will have results by 2:30pm.
No call from doc. I call them at 3:15 and leave a message. I call again at 4:15 and talk to the nurse. She have me attitude for calling. She said the results aren't in and she'll call me before she leaves. I told her what the lab told me. She said they were lying. They didn't have the results.
Called the lab upset. Man helping me apologized and said it is not my job to call them looking for stat results. The doc is usually chewing the lab out for that reason. In any case, he said the faxed results were time stamped as 1:17. He called my doc and made sure they knew my fax was coming in. Lab guy apologized again.
45 min later the nurse calls. She acts all chipper, "I got your results!". No way Einstein. Because I freakin did your job FOR you. I didn't argue with her though. I wanted the results.
My progesterone is in mid teens. I'm now taking the hormone to stop my uterus from shedding its lining.
Nurse said, we'll check you in a week. I got pissed. I told her I want my hcg levels checked again. She told me they don't like doing beta quants to see if the baby is viable, and they like to rely on ultrasound. I told her I didn't care what they want. I'm the patient. And I want the beta quant. She said all it will do is upset you if the numbers aren't doubling. Well, quite honestly, i feel like it will prepare me for my ultrasound if they say the baby isn't viable. She said she'll ask the doc in the morning.
So that's where I stand. Upset at my doc and her staff. My friend, who is a pathologist, told me I need to find a new ob. She said if my doc is unwilling to do a beta quant, she'll do it for me.
I'm just really upset and this whole situation is a joke. I just want to keep this baby and feel like my ob doesn't care!
05-15-2013, 07:59 AM
I really hope everything works out in a great way for you
My two boys had a great pediatrician that was highly regarded
Anytime we would take them there for something other than their checkup, he would give us this attitude like we were stupid for bringing them in over this
As if we had the same education as him and should of known better
What a tool he was. Left long ago.
Your team of idiots is the same way.
Seek someone else with at least a little compassion
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