View Full Version : hello - bit of advice

hail to the thief
08-11-2007, 05:45 PM
new here so hi :goodjob:

i'm thinking of going to the doctors for the following reasons, and i'd just like to know if anyone here could explain what the problems may be and whetherit would e worth visiting my doctor:

-when talking to a girl 1 on 1, i shake and try to think of something to say so much, i can't think of anything to say at all and just end up ignoring them or say something cringeworthy.

-In a group situation, i never speak out and so i say nothing.

-When i joke, i always sound serious.

-During my driving test, my left foot shakes so much it bounces off the clutch, making it very difficult to drive.

-Due to some of the above, i rarely socialise with friends, which gets me down and i really have to focus on other things (such as a future meeting with a friend)

I'm now concerned that i may start drinking alcohol when just meeting with friends, just to stop the anxiety, which isn't a good thing.

Any help much appreciated.

(apologies if this is in the wrong forum)

08-14-2007, 01:13 AM
Hi Hail,

THese sound like symptoms of general anxiety. How old are you? When I was in my teenage years, I also suffered the shakes talking to girls, group situations, and driving tests were the worst. It is something I gradually grew out of with age. I am sure you will too.

08-14-2007, 08:12 PM
Try focusing on the person - how they look, sound, smell... it can help keep your attention focused outward rather than inward on your worrisome and self-conscious thoughts. If you do say something stupid dont' get mad at yourself, just tell yourself "so what, no one cares" even if you feel that that's not true.

Anxiety in social situations can be tough, but you can get over it.