View Full Version : I live in fear.

05-13-2013, 03:00 AM
Everyday is just fear.the moment I wake up the first thought is " I'm I gonna feel that flutter, heart beat skipp sensation today!?? I'm I gonna feel dizzy? I'm I gonna feel well in general?? " it's so sad but it's my true reality..

05-13-2013, 03:11 AM
Yep I'm the same. My every waking thought is about how and what I am feeling. It sucks

05-13-2013, 03:20 AM
Mine too, every morning i feel sad that my body aches so much and i can't really feel rested.

05-13-2013, 03:29 AM
Do you accept it's anxiety though? If you accept it and read about anxiety and understand it then the fear can and will be removed. Symptoms are just your bodies way of showing you it's had enough stress and worry. it's crying out for rest. By fearing the symptoms or panicking when they happen you're doing the exact opposite of what the body needs. You're pileing more stress onto an already over burdened and stressed out body.


Have a look at just how many symptoms anxiety can cause. It's impressive how much the mind can affect the body.

Let the symptoms come and go. There's no point in fighting them, fearing them or panicking. They can't hurt you. The more you fear them the more power you give anxiety. Your body wants to recover. Give ti a chance to. Keep yourself busy and distracted. Get on with your day to day life and take back your life. Anxiety can't take over your life or indeed take your life (i terms of it killing you). You need to empower yourself with knowledge about anxiety so that anxiety itself loses it's power over you.


05-14-2013, 04:55 PM
Everyday is just fear.the moment I wake up the first thought is " I'm I gonna feel that flutter, heart beat skipp sensation today!?? I'm I gonna feel dizzy? I'm I gonna feel well in general?? " it's so sad but it's my true reality..

I know exactly how you feel! My major fear is my heart and palpitations and "flutters" are always my trigger. From the second I wake until I go to sleep all I really know is fear. I don't really remember anymore what it's like to truly relax and be "carefree".

05-14-2013, 05:31 PM
I know that also, it is just fear of fear....fear of bad feelings that is actualy causing bad feelings.

05-14-2013, 07:36 PM
I wake up everyday with fast heart beat and upset stomach, I also have palpitations and that flutter feeling at night, sometimes it's weak and sometimes it's stronger I panic for a few seconds or minutes and panic will go away quickly but I don't fear it. I feel pain all the time at random parts of my body sometimes it can even be severe pain so I'm used to weird pains.

05-17-2013, 03:35 PM
That's the exact thing I go throughout feel heart flutters and heart skip beats and wierd beats there scary and u wake up everyday in fear :( it's sucks wish my health was back like it wa before