View Full Version : Awake and its my birthday

05-12-2013, 09:16 PM
I've woken up due to my son who seems like he's had a bad dream as he was screaming I got up with my partner and my heart was racing I thought I was going to pass out when I got up! It's awful and to top it all of its my birthday :( and I got a feeling this is going to be a bad day for me.

05-12-2013, 11:29 PM
It isn't going to be a bad day. Never start a day with a negative mindset that feeds anxiety. Your son had a night terror ( very common), he'll forget that and most likely will have a good day. Your heart racing was just in response to your child screaming, this set off the Fright or Flight Response of an anxiety attack. Light headed ( shallow fast breathing ) anxiety induced tachycardia ( adrenaline speeds up your heart rate temporarily that's all) Just do some deep breathing, in through the nose, mouth closed inhale deeply and slowly to a count of 4 and release breath slowly through your mouth also to a count of 4. repeat the word relax slowly to yourself, feel the relaxation in your neck, chest, shoulders, continue this til you feel your body slowing down, There is nothing wrong, ignore these symptoms. Never start a thought with negatively. You don't have any idea what your day will bring, you are only perceiving it will be bad. We as anxiety sufferers always go to the worst case scenario, that is the disorder at play. You need to change the game plan. Life is good and bad , it Ebbs and flows. Don't assume negativity as it blocks positivity. Anxiety is a psychosomatic Illness, a disorder that originates in the mind. The mind encourages anxiety through negative thoughts and the mind can just as easily discourage anxiety with positive thought. Most likely you are tired from worry about your anxiety and your child. Deep breathe , relax, it's just a moment in time that will pass. Know that standing up to anxiety will cause anxiety to calm itself. Think of it this way when we are troubled, depressed, stressed, low self esteem to name a few our mind will play tricks using our body to manifest symptoms. Basically it is saying I don't like how things are going, change it. Now the good thing about all this is you are in the position to change it all by addressing stress with relaxation, depression with therapy, fixing what is wrong and sometimes meds. The anxiety is simple just let the anxiety happen, they are harmless symptoms, experience them don't back down and they will. You need to understand the objective of the Panic Attack is to gain your undivided attention, feed it with fear and it has captured you. But if you ignore these horrific symptoms and dismiss them for what they are, nothing. The minute you realize ( and you will eventually realize) that the anxiety you dread is nothing more then a series of negative thoughts that ignited a chain reaction of biological short circuits that can be turned off as quickly as they were turned on by a flip of a switch. That switch is nothing more than logically realizing that the symptoms are flooks, there is no heart attack, there is no brain tumor. Flip that switch immediately, do not react, dismiss all thoughts of anxiety and break that negative train of thought. Be Positive. I realize how difficult this is but the proven fact is standing up to fear builds self esteem and self esteem defeats anxiety.

05-12-2013, 11:34 PM
Oh and Happy Belated Birthday !!!!! This will be the year you put your anxiety to rest !

05-13-2013, 12:30 AM
I've woken up due to my son who seems like he's had a bad dream as he was screaming I got up with my partner and my heart was racing I thought I was going to pass out when I got up! It's awful and to top it all of its my birthday :( and I got a feeling this is going to be a bad day for me.

Happy Birthday