View Full Version : Troubled...

05-12-2013, 03:35 PM
Hi guys

Thought I'd finally go ahead and make an account to see if I can get some help from people in my situation..

A little background info.

I'm 23 years old. I'd been suffering from, and this is probably the best way that I can describe it myself, a sort of disequilibrium whilst walking/standing for about 2-3 years up until the middle of last year. It was always on and off, maybe a couple of days a week at most, particularly when it was hot or I was dehydrated, so I always tried to drink as much as possible and it didn't get to me much.

Come middle of last year, and things started to get a little worse. I started experiencing those symptoms on a daily basis. It would feel like I was walking on a bouncy castle - not a hard material. I began feeling dizzy too, and so went to the docs. I was prescribed some meds, but they did little to help.

After a few months of going back and forth, and also having a CT head scan which came back clean (I was experiencing shooting pains at this point) I was referred to the ENT clinic, and started vestibular rehabilitation.

Fast forward to today, and things are getting bleaker by the day. So far, I've been prescribed cyclizine, stemetil (which I didn't take because I was scared of the side effects), propranolol and lately bisoprolol (for palpitations/elevated heart rate).

My current symptoms include a (what I believe to be) a tension headache for about three weeks now from morning to night, fairly bad disequilibrium - every time I walk pretty much, strong/elevated heart beats throughout the day and particularly at night when I'm trying to sleep (especially bad because a bad nights sleep results in worse symptoms the next day), twitching, IBS, difficulty in concentration/cloudy feeling and a few other things that don't immediately come to mind.

Just the other day I agreed to a day out in the city centre - by the end of it it felt like the earth was moving pretty strongly beneath me with each step (kind of like the feeling at the top of an elevator).

What I find particularly saddening is that with other illnesses/diseases, you can tell people that you've got low blood pressure and so can't stand for long, or have diabetes and so are really tired etc. With dizziness etc they most likely think you're making it up or just being lazy and need to shake it off.

The reason why I've posted on these forums is because I think most of my symptoms are due to anxiety (?). The problem is I'm not directly worried about many things in my life - it's just feeling like this/not having a diagnosis that is treatable with obvious signs of progress that gets to me. There's a lot more I can share but I feel this is enough for a first post!

If you've read this far then I thank you; any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

05-12-2013, 03:44 PM
hello and welcome to the forum!
your feelings of disequilibrium are a little unfamiliar to me as i haven't experienced that before. although every other symptom you mentioned i experience on a daily basis. also i know what you mean by people not understanding how anxiety feels and dismissing it as laziness. i can't tell people at work that i cant stand for long because i feel dizzy and light-headed because of anxiety. i've tried but all they ever say is just calm down and it'll go away. yeah like its that easy.
anxiety can disorientate the brain which could be a possible explanation for the disequilibrium. . .

05-12-2013, 03:55 PM
Hi guys

Thought I'd finally go ahead and make an account to see if I can get some help from people in my situation..

A little background info.

I'm 23 years old. I'd been suffering from, and this is probably the best way that I can describe it myself, a sort of disequilibrium whilst walking/standing for about 2-3 years up until the middle of last year. It was always on and off, maybe a couple of days a week at most, particularly when it was hot or I was dehydrated, so I always tried to drink as much as possible and it didn't get to me much.

Come middle of last year, and things started to get a little worse. I started experiencing those symptoms on a daily basis. It would feel like I was walking on a bouncy castle - not a hard material. I began feeling dizzy too, and so went to the docs. I was prescribed some meds, but they did little to help.

After a few months of going back and forth, and also having a CT head scan which came back clean (I was experiencing shooting pains at this point) I was referred to the ENT clinic, and started vestibular rehabilitation.

Fast forward to today, and things are getting bleaker by the day. So far, I've been prescribed cyclizine, stemetil (which I didn't take because I was scared of the side effects), propranolol and lately bisoprolol (for palpitations/elevated heart rate).

My current symptoms include a (what I believe to be) a tension headache for about three weeks now from morning to night, fairly bad disequilibrium - every time I walk pretty much, strong/elevated heart beats throughout the day and particularly at night when I'm trying to sleep (especially bad because a bad nights sleep results in worse symptoms the next day), twitching, IBS, difficulty in concentration/cloudy feeling and a few other things that don't immediately come to mind.

Just the other day I agreed to a day out in the city centre - by the end of it it felt like the earth was moving pretty strongly beneath me with each step (kind of like the feeling at the top of an elevator).

What I find particularly saddening is that with other illnesses/diseases, you can tell people that you've got low blood pressure and so can't stand for long, or have diabetes and so are really tired etc. With dizziness etc they most likely think you're making it up or just being lazy and need to shake it off.

The reason why I've posted on these forums is because I think most of my symptoms are due to anxiety (?). The problem is I'm not directly worried about many things in my life - it's just feeling like this/not having a diagnosis that is treatable with obvious signs of progress that gets to me. There's a lot more I can share but I feel this is enough for a first post!

If you've read this far then I thank you; any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

I have these same symptoms on and off for the last years, stabbing pains in your head? Or chest?

And what is disequilbrium? Im dutch so don't know the meaning.

05-13-2013, 02:27 AM
hello and welcome to the forum!
your feelings of disequilibrium are a little unfamiliar to me as i haven't experienced that before. although every other symptom you mentioned i experience on a daily basis. also i know what you mean by people not understanding how anxiety feels and dismissing it as laziness. i can't tell people at work that i cant stand for long because i feel dizzy and light-headed because of anxiety. i've tried but all they ever say is just calm down and it'll go away. yeah like its that easy.
anxiety can disorientate the brain which could be a possible explanation for the disequilibrium. . .

I think I am suffering from some sort of vestibular disorder, but I think the anxiety is affecting it. My ENT doc said stress/fatigue etc all play a part. The stress is definitely exacerbating the dizziness symptoms.

05-13-2013, 02:29 AM
I have these same symptoms on and off for the last years, stabbing pains in your head? Or chest?

And what is disequilbrium? Im dutch so don't know the meaning.

Yes to both!

It's when you sort of feel off balance. Like swaying a little or feeling a bit faint like you could fall over.

Problem is I've never actually fainted which is the only thing left I think before people recognise my illness.

05-13-2013, 02:34 AM
On a side note, I'm going to see the docs today, any medication that anyone recommends that may be of benefit to someone like me would be appreciated.

05-13-2013, 03:17 AM
I have that too, I have so many symptoms it's ridicilous.. So can't tell you what you have but it's probably anxiety /wrong breathing etc.

05-13-2013, 03:32 AM
They're all very common anxiety symptoms. Don't fear them or fight them. let them come and go because they ca'nt and won't hurt you. It's your body screaming out for rest and a break form the stress and worry. Don't pile more stress onto an overburdened body by panicking about the symptoms. They will pass in time.

Try and read more about anxiety and understand it. It feeds of fears and worries so try your best to stop feeding it. If medications aren't helping ask your doctor about cognitive behavioural therap.


05-13-2013, 05:24 AM
I think you should go see a psychiatrist. He/she can prescribe you benzodiazepines and SSRI which are highly effective in combating this debilitating condition. I used to get this sensation that the floor is moving up and down 24/7 and while I'm on meds this sensation has stopped(nearly) bothering me. I also believed initially that this was a vestibular disorder but it turned out to be anxiety. If your sensation worsens after doing physical activity then it may be vestibular disorder, if not then it is likely anxiety.

05-13-2013, 07:43 AM
I think you should go see a psychiatrist. He/she can prescribe you benzodiazepines and SSRI which are highly effective in combating this debilitating condition. I used to get this sensation that the floor is moving up and down 24/7 and while I'm on meds this sensation has stopped(nearly) bothering me. I also believed initially that this was a vestibular disorder but it turned out to be anxiety. If your sensation worsens after doing physical activity then it may be vestibular disorder, if not then it is likely anxiety.

Hmm. This is a tough one. I definitely feel worse after a days walking around etc, so this would count as exercise, but I'm not sure if it is the exercise that is causing it, or me feeling anxious knowing I'll be out and about all day.

05-13-2013, 03:07 PM
Bit of an update on this - spoke to doc, she's thinking of putting me on an SSRI which I think may be the best thing. My anxiety is definitely holding my vestibular recovery back; she's given me a week to think about it and then I can start if I want. I realise that if I do it'll be long term, and reading the side effects I'm a bit hesitant. Thoughts would be nice.

05-13-2013, 03:45 PM
Side effects are often exaggerated and SSRIs are usually safe. You have to deal with low sex drive though. A SSRI named Paxil is to be avoided.

05-13-2013, 03:49 PM
Side effects are often exaggerated and SSRIs are usually safe. You have to deal with low sex drive though. A SSRI named Paxil is to be avoided.

I know everyone is different , however I've tried many SSRIs and I suffered from extremely low sex drive with each of them to the point I had to quit them. That's not a side effect u want when ur in ur 30s. Again I know everyone is different so please don't take my word for it