View Full Version : how long am i still going to feel this way?

05-12-2013, 02:57 PM
i'm seriously at the end of the road..
my entire body is fighting against me. my brain is fighting me. everything is hurting every inch of me is in pain.
and i don't even feel like it's anxiety anymore. it feels so unfamiliar. i almost miss the feelings of anxiety. i've had chronic anxiety since 2008 and the last few months i've been feeling less and less anxious and it has now developed into this weird feeling. is my body so used to anxiety that this is what it feels like without anxiety? i can't describe it in words but i feel sick every single day pains shooting around everywhere.
anxiety is cruel.. the tiniest little pain and my brain totally freaks the f*ck out thinking it's some life threatening issue. i had a tiny ache in my foot and i was convinced that my foot was about to fall off. that i can just about live with but the constant heart worries are the worst thing i've ever had to endure. im so sick of going to the emergency room. sorry for ranting but i wish this could end soon. i miss the way i was before all this. i miss how head-strong i was. nothing ever scared me. now im scared of everything.

05-12-2013, 03:03 PM
I know this! Also had it since 2008 so 4/5 years now! And the last year my body has decreased so badly! I always feel tired, pain, my bones and joints crack all the time, im always tense. But i do ocassionaly get a panic attack because my body is rapidly changing.

05-12-2013, 03:16 PM
every time i feel anything at all my body goes into panic mania! especially any new pains or sensations..

05-12-2013, 03:50 PM
Yes i know it and the smallest stab in your chest and it's over, anxiety panic full force