View Full Version : if I wake up early without a good night sleep I have anxiety

05-12-2013, 02:28 PM
This is the worst ever. If I wake up early by someone or something my anxiety shoots through the roof and I get and feel so jittery and nervous! like WTF? Why is this? Its very annoying. its like my body is interrupted. I then go throughout the day with this nervous feeling in my stomach and it feels hard to breath. This doesnt happen everyday though so its not so bad. I know its just anxiety but these nerves need to hurry up and repair so I can go back to normal!


05-12-2013, 04:49 PM
Anxiety and panic can be brought on by anything, everyone's is different. I've been getting the same as you only just recently, I've suffered with panic attacks for four years but have only just recently got this, it's the worst feeling! The only way to solve your problem to make yourself relise there's nothing to be afraid of and nothings gunna happen to you, easier said then done but how about going to see a hypnotherapist because I've heard they can really help, I hope this help, even in a little way, here if you need to talk. And yeah we will ask get through this with alot of hard work anyone can do it!:)

05-12-2013, 05:28 PM
I wake up every morning with a panic attack!! Its horrible feeling like this.... Go away even for a couple of hours :-(