View Full Version : Suggestions to get relief from stress.

08-11-2007, 03:58 AM
I am marketing head of a FMCG company and over a few weeks I am feeling dizziness, anxiety, and a dreadful sense of doom. After a recent fight at work with Boss over a marketing campaign the situation become severe. Stress is destroying my life. I don’t know what to do. Please suggest.

08-13-2007, 12:05 AM
It often happens with marketing people. Improving sales, reaching targets in time bound period, giving less time to family health problems occur, even I have been through it. I would suggest you to try meditation and visit theramood dot com for stress relief patches. I have used these patches and I now feel calm and collected. They are really helpful. And there is a popular saying “work is not the entire pizza, it just a slice of life”. So spend time with yourself. I think you would feel better.

08-14-2007, 07:21 PM
ugh... consider a new job!! haha! i convinced a friend of mine (who is in sales with me) to see a counselor due to her anxiety symptoms (same as what you described). She ended up getting relocated to a new territory with a new manager and never had an episode again! It can be that simple! Of course that's not always an option...

Consider some self-help books on stress, spending time on yourself, eating right, exercising, sleeping enough, all help. If you have to put up with the job thing, maybe see a counselor short term to get some advice from.

Wish you the best of luck! Your symptoms definitely sound like anxiety, don't worry about it being anything else.