View Full Version : Weird sensations

05-12-2013, 05:48 AM
Does anyone feel like floor is moving?? I get this sol the time along with feeling like I'm constantly on a boat!!

I also get these weird head rush feelings whilst sitting down and feel like if I don't move I will pass out!!!

Stephen Joseph
05-12-2013, 06:05 AM
Your sensations sound like common symptoms of an anxiety disorder. It may be worth just checking with your doctor once to see if there's no other explanation, but if given the all clear then the best thing to do is try to ride with the symptoms rather than consciously try to push them away or hide from them.

The more you worry about these symptoms, the more the anxiety will keep biting. It's a vicious circle in a way but it has to be broken somewhere.

05-12-2013, 06:08 AM
yeah I get this too, I know iv got anxiety but when it happens I panic like something terrible is about to happen to me.its not fun is it :-/

05-12-2013, 06:17 AM
I've been to the dr a million times. They say it's anxiety. I did have panic disorder after very traumatic life events but now I just have these horrible symptoms. I'm slowly managing them better but when I get then sometimes it's hard not to read more onto them and I know this just feeds them!! Annoying!!

Stephen Joseph
05-12-2013, 06:34 AM
It's hard rhar but keep going. Realise they are just symptoms of anxiety and let them do their thing. By not attaching fear to the sensations, and just accepting them as best you can, they will over a relatively short period of time begin to diminish.

05-12-2013, 08:45 AM
I sometimes get the feeling like the floor/ground is moving up and down. Almost like the feeling you get while in an elevator. Even when I feel fine, I'll get it, and ask whoever I'm with "Did you feel that??" Haha.. sometimes makes me feel like I'm crazy, but whatever, it's just another symptom to add on to my long list of weird feelings in my body.

05-12-2013, 10:31 AM
Lol you mean like when you stand up does it feel like your tipping over side to side.... Or do you sometimes actually tip and it feels like your balance is slightly off.? If so....... Very easily what I have........... Anxiety... Does it happen more then ounce throughtout the day... Of is it all day.? Also.... Anxiety

05-12-2013, 12:25 PM
I used to get this floor moving sensation 24/7 but now it is nearly gone after taking SSRIs and Benzos. In my case a benzo(klonopin) was highly effective in combating this very frightening issue.

05-12-2013, 01:48 PM
I got a sensation where someone is pounding a hammer into my back and also I get feelings like someone's stabbing me with a needle. I don't picture anyone doing anything harmful to me, but that's how the sensation feels. Anxiety causes all sorta of strange feelings so just try and laugh at your symptoms sometimes. The first time I heard someone say hey be humorous with it I thought are you crazy but now when I have panic attacks and increased anxiety I joke around with it and that seems to help.

05-12-2013, 01:49 PM
Also what you could be feeling is vertigo. It's very common with anxiety and I get it sometimes too.

05-12-2013, 03:46 PM
Lol you mean like when you stand up does it feel like your tipping over side to side.... Or do you sometimes actually tip and it feels like your balance is slightly off.? If so....... Very easily what I have........... Anxiety... Does it happen more then ounce throughtout the day... Of is it all day.? Also.... Anxiety

Yes I quite often feel like I might fall over when I'm walking....
I get it badly when sitting especially if I am out somewhere for a meal. Guess it's the panic attacks trying to creep back in but that's as far as I let them get these days... Touch wood

05-13-2013, 02:50 AM
I sometimes get the feeling like the floor/ground is moving up and down. Almost like the feeling you get while in an elevator. Even when I feel fine, I'll get it, and ask whoever I'm with "Did you feel that??" Haha.. sometimes makes me feel like I'm crazy, but whatever, it's just another symptom to add on to my long list of weird feelings in my body.

I feel the exact same thing too! I've been diagnosed with some sort of vestibular disorder, but I'm wondering whether anxiety has a bigger part to play in it. I'd be grateful if you could check out my thread when you get some time.

I used to get this floor moving sensation 24/7 but now it is nearly gone after taking SSRIs and Benzos. In my case a benzo(klonopin) was highly effective in combating this very frightening issue.

I too get it pretty much everytime I walk. It's really debilitating. I wonder whether meds would help me too? Do you think the symptoms will return once you come off them?

Edit: Sorry for hijacking the thread. It's just surprising to see people with the same exact symptoms as me when I *literally* thought I was the only one.

05-13-2013, 04:30 AM
I've had dizziness for weeks now. Went on the weekend which was nice. Let your GP check you out and if nothign is wrong with you try and work on reducing your stress and anxiety. The symptoms will pass in time.


05-13-2013, 04:52 AM
I've had dizziness for weeks now. Went on the weekend which was nice. Let your GP check you out and if nothign is wrong with you try and work on reducing your stress and anxiety. The symptoms will pass in time.


I'm slowly getting a grip on it I think and have noticed the symptoms aren't as fierce as they once were. When it hits, rather than freaking out I try to tell myself it's ok and nothing will happen. It takes a long time