View Full Version : So disappointed

05-11-2013, 07:22 PM
I am so aggravated and disappointed in myself!! I have had panic attacks and anxiety since spring 2011 but haven't had a panic attack in a year UNTIL YESTERDAY AND TODAY! Ugh. I have anxiety daily but have learned how to control it quite well (I thought) and like I said it hasn't turned into a panic attack since last spring. Well, yesterday my family and I took a road trip 5.5 hours away to Louisiana to see my brother graduate and once we got almost to the grad I started getting that weird panicky anxious feeling and tried to do the norm and calm myself only this time it did not work, I full on panicked. There wasn't much time to get fully calmed down because we had to walk like a mile to get down to the football field (in the extremely humid heat) so I was sweating awfully. I felt anxious and miserably hot the whole 2 hours of the grad. Then today we all went to a park with our lunch and I started having pains in my stomach bad... Started to panic again and had to drive fast to a restroom. Just very irritated my anxiety is crazy this weekend.

05-12-2013, 01:41 AM
I am so aggravated and disappointed in myself!! I have had panic attacks and anxiety since spring 2011 but haven't had a panic attack in a year UNTIL YESTERDAY AND TODAY! Ugh. I have anxiety daily but have learned how to control it quite well (I thought) and like I said it hasn't turned into a panic attack since last spring. Well, yesterday my family and I took a road trip 5.5 hours away to Louisiana to see my brother graduate and once we got almost to the grad I started getting that weird panicky anxious feeling and tried to do the norm and calm myself only this time it did not work, I full on panicked. There wasn't much time to get fully calmed down because we had to walk like a mile to get down to the football field (in the extremely humid heat) so I was sweating awfully. I felt anxious and miserably hot the whole 2 hours of the grad. Then today we all went to a park with our lunch and I started having pains in my stomach bad... Started to panic again and had to drive fast to a restroom. Just very irritated my anxiety is crazy this weekend.

I understand that feeling wen it's starting and u try and calm yrself down but it just escalates ... I also kan go a long time without a panic attack and I'm not an anxious person really but I also kan suddenly get them 4 no reason.. I've been having them on / off over the last 2wks and one day really had to push myself to go into wrk as I know if I hadn't then the nex day I wud ov worried bowt goin in and then the whole downward spiral starts :-/

05-12-2013, 08:00 AM
It happens to the best of us! I too will get a random panic attack when I seemingly feel great, but what can you do? It's in our body chemistry, and sometimes we can't do anything about it. Sounds like you handled yourself well though! You made it through the long graduation and turned out fine. Good for you! You're right it is extremely irritating.. but that's all it is! You'll be okay, this is just a minor hiccup and you'll bounce back like you know you always have.

05-12-2013, 11:53 AM
It happens to the best of us! I too will get a random panic attack when I seemingly feel great, but what can you do? It's in our body chemistry, and sometimes we can't do anything about it. Sounds like you handled yourself well though! You made it through the long graduation and turned out fine. Good for you! You're right it is extremely irritating.. but that's all it is! You'll be okay, this is just a minor hiccup and you'll bounce back like you know you always have.

Thanks for the words of encouragement!