View Full Version : Is this typical anxiety/panic attacks

05-11-2013, 02:48 PM
I am 26. I had my first panic attack out of the blue about 2 yrs ago. dizzy, rapid heart beat, chest tightness. I thought i was having a heart attack or something. Went to the er and they told me it was a panic attack and that at my age it was not my heart. My doctor put me on a prescription of zoloft(sertraline) for anxiety/panic, that seemed to help but every once and awhile things would get bad and i would have to make an er visit.

well about the last month i have had anxiety and slightly high heart rate(95-105) and my blood pressure getting high. which i am already on 10mg lisonopril daily for my BP. Anyway it all culminated about two weeks ago i had a high heart rate(105-125) and high blood pressure(163/95) again which i couldnt get under control. i went to the er, they admited me for a night and ran blood work and checked on my heart. they said it was fine and the dr gave me a beta blocker to help w/ blood pressure and heart rate.

Its doesnt seem to be helping 2 weeks on, i feel like my blood pressure and heart rate are always up and down.

I dont have general anxiety over social settings, sometimes during stressful events. My panic comes on completely out of nowhere for the most part. i cant seem to keep my heart rate and blood pressure figured out here lately though. i have been extremely uncomfortable about 80% of the time. is it normal if you have panic or anxiety for your heart rate and blood pressure to be so crazy all the time? does anyone have any suggestions or help for me. is there anything i can take to ease the blood pressure and heart rate. i have been feeling like my skin is crawling and i just cant get comfortable with all this going on. i hate to have to rush to the er so much

05-11-2013, 03:01 PM
I have the same symptoms you have. I get chest pains, dizziness, palpitations and skipped heart beats (PVCs) . I also have gone to the ER and they did blood work, chest X-ray, EKG and they told me everything is fine.. But it's hard to believe that I'm ok when I'm feeling sick most of the time. I know it sucks living like this and I guess we just got to get the anxiety under control, which that's the hardest thing for me.. One of my closed friends died from a heart attack three weeks ago . Which I feel that's the reason my anxiety is high right now. My friend was only 24!
but she didn't have any symptoms like us..that's why I also feel it's our anxiety that manifests that way. anyways, we just have to fight it to get rid of it. I'm a PM away if u need to talk to me 😁

05-11-2013, 07:31 PM
What do you take, i tried to pm but i have to have 10 posts first

05-11-2013, 09:06 PM
I am 26. I had my first panic attack out of the blue about 2 yrs ago. dizzy, rapid heart beat, chest tightness. I thought i was having a heart attack or something. Went to the er and they told me it was a panic attack and that at my age it was not my heart. My doctor put me on a prescription of zoloft(sertraline) for anxiety/panic, that seemed to help but every once and awhile things would get bad and i would have to make an er visit.

well about the last month i have had anxiety and slightly high heart rate(95-105) and my blood pressure getting high. which i am already on 10mg lisonopril daily for my BP. Anyway it all culminated about two weeks ago i had a high heart rate(105-125) and high blood pressure(163/95) again which i couldnt get under control. i went to the er, they admited me for a night and ran blood work and checked on my heart. they said it was fine and the dr gave me a beta blocker to help w/ blood pressure and heart rate.

Its doesnt seem to be helping 2 weeks on, i feel like my blood pressure and heart rate are always up and down.

I dont have general anxiety over social settings, sometimes during stressful events. My panic comes on completely out of nowhere for the most part. i cant seem to keep my heart rate and blood pressure figured out here lately though. i have been extremely uncomfortable about 80% of the time. is it normal if you have panic or anxiety for your heart rate and blood pressure to be so crazy all the time? does anyone have any suggestions or help for me. is there anything i can take to ease the blood pressure and heart rate. i have been feeling like my skin is crawling and i just cant get comfortable with all this going on. i hate to have to rush to the er so much

Are you sure I didn't write this. This is me to an absolute tee!!! Besides posting on here and getting advice, I take Ativan which I think is a benzo it calms me right down. I read inspirational books And pray as well. I know this feeling is terrible but you will get through this!!!! Hang in there. There's really supportive people on here that all share in this nightmare

05-11-2013, 09:28 PM
I am proud of you Blessed <3, you really are moving forward.

05-11-2013, 10:09 PM
Lionofdisouth and leetbulldog, yes your symptoms are the hallmark signatures of Panic Disorder. Heart Rate and Blood Pressure fluctuates all the time in response to several different factors. The most common factor in your age bracket is stress aka Anxiety. The BP and the heart rate will both come down of its own accord when you have your anxiety under control but your DRS have done the responsible thing and guaranteed that you are protected with medication. This alone should offer you assurance until ( I use the word until because you will ) master your anxiety. Your BP and Heart Rate are in direct response to your anxiety. The Beta Blocker will keep your BP and your heart rate in check. It works on BP but also regulates your heartbeat preventing anxiety induced tachycardia( nothing to be alarmed about ) The PVCS are harmless extra beats that your heart throws out, many people have these and never feel the sensation ( anxiety sufferers have a heightened sensitivity response and become reactive to countless symptoms and send an alert to the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline and the chain reaction begins) Zoloft, all of the SSRI's have a burn out meaning after a certain amount of time they become less effective. My husband stops his for a few months and then starts again and this works quite effectively but I don't recommend this for you but perhaps a talk with your DR about switching to another SSRI, maybe lexapro,fluoxetine,Celexa .leetbulldog, what happened to your friend is horrific and life altering for you as well. Given that anxiety is often associated with a fear of death or sickness this is assuredly having an effect on you. One thing you can do is proactively put " logic" into the equation. What happened to you friend is an anomaly (something out of the ordinary, very rarely seen). Most likely there was a congenital ( present at birth) defect present or a rare cardiac infection at play. You simply have nothing to worry about but trauma , especially the loss of a loved one throws rationality out the window but it is essential that through support of the Forum you regain the strength and understanding that addressing your anxiety/ depression will calm it down. Hang in there guys. I don't PM people as I don't want to be intrusive but if anyone should need me me, feel free. Think Positive

05-12-2013, 06:38 AM
is it normal if you have panic or anxiety for your heart rate and blood pressure to be so crazy all the time? does anyone have any suggestions or help for me. is there anything i can take to ease the blood pressure and heart rate. i have been feeling like my skin is crawling and i just cant get comfortable with all this going on. i hate to have to rush to the er so much

YES! it is totally normal.. those are classic symptoms of a panic attack/anxiety.

My anxiety started when I was 17 or 18, and I had the same exact symptoms as you. Went to the ER more times than I can count on my hands, they even admitted me for a night, monitored my heart, saw a cardiologist, went home with heart monitors.. and I was totally fine!! While in the hospital my heart rate would reach as high as 150 bpm (can't remember BP) and looking back on it now, if there was something seriously wrong with me, and they were able to monitor me while my heart rate was that high, they would have found something.

If you have been to the hospital/doctor while your symptoms are full force and they found nothing wrong, then believe it. There really is nothing physically wrong.

Even if you don't feel like there's something specific that might have stressed you out... a person with anxiety has an overactive nervous system, so any little stressor in your life could be enough to set you off.

Things that worked for me are meditation (there are videos on YouTube or free apps if you have a smartphone), reading, doing puzzles.. just making time for myself to relax and get out of my head (suppress the negative thoughts) . Acupuncture is another thing that I have found to be very helpful for me and I highly recommend it. And if you're going to google anything, do some research on anxiety. I find the more I read about it, it makes me realize my symptoms aren't so alarming.

new to anxiety
05-13-2013, 01:30 AM
i'm kinda new to the whole anxiety lifestyle but it sounds like you fit the bill. not sure what beta blocker you're on but some are better than others. I take Metoprolol, which my cardiologist said is more cardio-selective than the atenolol I was taking which made me really tired and it seemed like it was harder to breathe. I'm only 35 but had heart surgery 2 years ago so when this all started a few months ago ( panic and anxiety) I assumed it was my heart. Was convinced they missed a stitch or something was failing or......nope. I don't take it everyday like im supposed to just when my heart feels like its racing, which leads me to start worrying, and the whole chain reaction that seems to follow these days.The beta blockers just block the beta-adregernic receptors, which slow the rate, which triggers the pressure to drop. Damn adrenaline. If only we could bottle it and use as needed! This too shall pass I know. Right now I can't see the forest through the trees but someday many of us will look back and laugh at all the times we were so sure we were inches from death.

06-17-2013, 09:00 PM
What was wrong with your heart

new to anxiety
06-17-2013, 10:02 PM
I had a valve replaced and aneurysm repaired 2 years ago. When my anxiety came about I was sure it was my heart again, but no. However the beta blockers do seem to help when I'm getting "amped up". Since I got a tissue valve and it has a shelf life, my cardiologist suggested I take them to keep my pressures on the low end, hence giving me a longer shelf life on this valve.

06-17-2013, 10:17 PM
Pretty young to have that issue did u have a problem since u were young?

new to anxiety
06-17-2013, 10:39 PM
Yes, I was born with a defect that didnt present with any problems short of keeping me out of contact sports. ( shame because at 6'5" and was about 210 in school i was built for football). I saw a doctor when I was in middle school, and he said when i was in my thirties i may need balloon surgery or something to open the valve better, and it wasnt so much the bi-cuspid valve that was surgically needed in 2010 it was the aneurysm that tipped the scales. Looking back i wish i'd gotten the man made valve that lasts forever, but at the time I didnt want to be on blood thinners the rest of my life. Now that im on the other side of that surgery i'd like to not do it again but..... such is life. By the time I need it replaced I'll be done with nursing school and out of the construction business so blood thinners wont be as much of a concern. Not that I cut myself alot now, so my 20/20 hindsight says "shoulda got the artificial one".