View Full Version : Help?

05-11-2013, 12:40 PM
Hi, I'm daisie, I'm 15 and I'm just looking for someone to talk to, someone that understand what I'm going through, please don't reply to this message unless your truly going to try and help me and be there for me because I really need it at the moment. I'm gunna try and explain as much as I can, of what I've been through for the past couple of years. I've had panic attacks for about four years, they've got a lot worse over the past six months though and I've had enough! In year seven I had an illness called glandular fever, not anything serious but it ruined my life, I miss a lot of school and missed out on the whole of the summer holidays and I didn't see my friends for a long time. Not to be big headed but I'm in the so called popular group at school and have some amazing friends, and get along with everyone, I'm pretty confident in my self and how I look and everything and I don't care what people have to say about me and also don't judge anyone so I'm open to anything. I used to be very outgoing and loved being out with my friends. In year 8 the glandular fever went and I was a lot better in school and went out a lot, I also met my boyfriend then which I've been on and off for about two and a half years, this relationship has gone on for about a year now and he's always there for me but he doesn't understand really and we have a lot of arguments because I don't see him as much as we both want. Anyway.. Over the past six months I haven't really been to school, I was on part time and now on after schooling but I haven't been in about 3 months! I miss it a lot and have always loved and done amazing in school! I've tried a lot of things, herbal tablets, panic tablets and now have concilling, I've started getting out abit but only like down the road out with my friends for less than an hour and I sometimes go out on my own just to get out but I wanna be back at school and be back to how I used to be really, I just want someone to talk to and someone who can hopefully help me :) thankyou for taking your time out to read this it really means a lot :) please reply if you can.

05-11-2013, 04:28 PM
Hi Daisie
You have come to a safe place here, we have all had different types of anxiety to different levels, so we can all understand some part of what you are going through. I don't think any of us have any magic instant answers, but have a read through the forums and there is bound to be something of interest here. There are lots of stories about meds, therapists, music and just talking.
Hope you find something that touches something in you and helps you connect back to the real world. And if you find it, dont forget to let all of us know the answer!
Good luck.

05-11-2013, 05:40 PM
Thankyou dean!

I never thought of talking to other people about my problems but coming here makes me feel alot safer and makes me understand there's alot of people going through the same thing that I am. I hope everything's ok with you :)

Anything I find that helps I will definetly share with all of you because i don't just need help but I'm always here to help others xx

05-12-2013, 07:05 AM
I'm not really sure exactly what your anxiety is about, but it sounds like you have a hard time leaving the house and going out?

My advice would be to continue going out on those short outings with your friends, or do something similar, just keep trying to get out of the house, even if it is for a short time. If you can only be out for 30 minutes before you start feeling uncomfortable, that's fine! Next time try going out for an hour, then 2 hours, and so on... until you can go a full day. It might sound impossible right now, but it's not. Just keep pushing yourself. I was so bad at one point I couldn't even leave my bed. Then I would try going for a short drive with my husband just to get me out of the house. Then I went for a short walk... which built me up to being able to go to the grocery store... and now I can drive myself and leave the house as I please for as long as I want, and I feel fine.

Once you feel comfortable enough, you can try going to school for a day, and you'll see that nothing bad will happen and you'll be totally fine.

Keep trying! Baby steps! You will get there!

05-12-2013, 10:10 AM
Thankyou so much that has really boosted my confidents and shows that anyone can get over panic attacks, with the weather getting better and my friends being out more is pushing me to get out more now. I just wish I could be back at school, that's the worse thing about it