View Full Version : Feeling Down

05-11-2013, 12:33 PM

These past few days, I've just been feeling really depressed about my life. I think I recently posted online about it.
I have no money.
I wasted years.
I wasted relationships.
I wasted money.
Wasted energy and thought.
It just seems like, the last 3 years I just wasted on being in a bad relationship, being in a bad environment, being in a haze and sticking my head under the sand.

Now, I've entered a new relationship, where it seems natural. I am afraid he will see me as who I am. Without money, careless employment, and crappy history.
I'm in a cross road of of ending the relationship to work on myself, and improve but I worry I won't find/or have a person like this one I have now.
So I guess I'm feeling overwhelmed and confused, and wondering if ... I'll be able to do smart thinking on my part.

05-11-2013, 01:53 PM
I think you should not end the relationship. Be open and honest. If he is the right one, You will be surprised as to how supportive he will be. You cannot go through this alone. I've leaned this the hard way. Life is cruel and unkind. If I didn't have my wife to support, I don't know what the outcome would have been. Good luck to you!