View Full Version : NEW to the forum and have a question

08-10-2007, 07:44 AM
Has anybody here had any issues with their muscles on the side of their torso, like rib cage, obliques or the feeling like your lats are tightening up during the day. Not really pain as much as just tension or annoying feeling.

It seems like when I am nervous or tense it really flares up.
About 6 months ago, I had to have surgery to get a hernia fixed. While waiting in the pre-op room my side was flaring up big time...again no pain, just REALLY annoying. BTW- I have had my gall bladder

Lately though I may feel a twitch or a fast pain when moving but couldn't make it do it again when trying to do the exact move again??

Also, my left eye in the morning is always blurry and is better within 15-20 min..... then sometimes it may be watery?

I no longer have the feeling like I am going out of my mind kind of anxiety attacks and feel quite normal except for these symptoms.

Anybody experiencing the same type of things?

08-28-2007, 04:10 PM
i get heart clenches due to uncertainty--occasionally. muscle tension, grinding of teeth--are symptoms of anxiety--however, if you can please do rule out physical causes, esp. with your eye.
it could be your eye issue is due to some pre existing condition--or its nothing, but blurry eye problems i am not sure are about anxiety...unless you are perceiving excessive blurriness/wateriness and or anxious about mornings.
best of luck

08-29-2007, 02:57 PM
Do you work? If so, what kind of work do you do? I know after I've been on my feet all day I can feel it get really tight in my upper back as well as my lower back. Maybe try getting a massage. :)