View Full Version : Coffee?

05-10-2013, 11:27 PM
Do you guys think it would be a good idea to try drinking coffee? I haven't had anything with caffeine in months, mainly because I've been afraid of how it will affect me. I unknowingly drank some during the time when my anxiety was at its worst and the effects of it heightened the anxiety. Now that my anxiety has calmed down in comparison to a couple months ago I'm curious to drink some coffee or something. This time though, I'm expecting the effects it will have in my body. I want to see if I will be fine this time around. What do you guys think?

05-11-2013, 12:33 AM
Do you guys think it would be a good idea to try drinking coffee? I haven't had anything with caffeine in months, mainly because I've been afraid of how it will affect me. I unknowingly drank some during the time when my anxiety was at its worst and the effects of it heightened the anxiety. Now that my anxiety has calmed down in comparison to a couple months ago I'm curious to drink some coffee or something. This time though, I'm expecting the effects it will have in my body. I want to see if I will be fine this time around. What do you guys think?

Not worth it lol

05-11-2013, 01:14 AM
Not worth it lol

Really?? Lol

05-11-2013, 04:02 AM
Do you guys think it would be a good idea to try drinking coffee? I haven't had anything with caffeine in months, mainly because I've been afraid of how it will affect me. I unknowingly drank some during the time when my anxiety was at its worst and the effects of it heightened the anxiety. Now that my anxiety has calmed down in comparison to a couple months ago I'm curious to drink some coffee or something. This time though, I'm expecting the effects it will have in my body. I want to see if I will be fine this time around. What do you guys think?

I was in a similar situation although I drink tea... I have cut back but I still drink at least 1 a day and I get physical changes such as , increased heart rate, increased body temp, but I don't let it add to my anxiety. I remind myself it's from the caffeine and let it go so I can go about my day. I decided because I love tea that if I stop drinking it, it would become another thing I avoid. If you are prepared for the sensations and feel it will benefit you in overcoming the fear and getting back to having some every now and again then I say go for it!! Just don't sit and focus on the effects! :)

05-11-2013, 04:19 AM
If you have apprehensions about it then you might get a bit too over stimulated and then get very anxious. Coffee itself doesn't cause anxiety. But with anxious people who are already hyper sensitive and overly stimulated to pretty much anything, drinking a stimulant might just make you wound up and feeling anxious.

05-11-2013, 05:53 PM
If you want to drink coffee than drink coffee! Anxiety ruins enough in people's life, it shouldn't let you stop eating or drinking what you want! Don't let it take control and just makes sure you realise after you have drunk it that the feeling you are feeling is because of the coffee, your not panicking, it's just the caffeine, there's no need to worry :)

05-11-2013, 06:51 PM
I love my coffee!! At home I drink lite coffee with half the caffeine. When I'm out I mostly drink reg coffee just 1 cup. For me it doesn't put me over the edge with anxiety.