View Full Version : When you feel like you can't breathe from anxiety?

08-08-2007, 02:55 PM
When you feel like you can't breathe from anxiety what is it like? Please be very descriptive. I have asthma and learned the asthma feeling, I also have allergy and learned the allergy feeling. I also have the urge to choke from allergy and that too is a different feeling. But what does anxiety breathing problems feel like? I was wondering if I have ever had anxiety feeling making them worst on top of my asthma, allergy, muscle cramping. I was wondering if anxiety had a different feeling since all 3 of my problems are separate feelings. I know no one can tell me what I have, but what I want to know is how YOU feel during a time when breathing is more difficult or feels more difficult from only anxiety. People with asthma and allergy breathing problems might not be able to answer this unless they know it is just anxiety. Thanks.

08-14-2007, 09:55 PM
I do not get anxiety on a continuous basis, but suffer from extreme episodes of it every few years. As for the breathing, the first feeling is like you are not getting enough oxygen. For me, I generally begin to breath faster and faster. If its bad, I also begin to get a tingling sensation in my face, somewhat similar to numbness. If it gets out of control, that sensation spreads to the rest of my body until I feel paralyzed by pins and needles. Interstingly, that same sensation causes me to forget about the breathing and focus on the sensation itself, resulting in better breathing and the sensation going away.

08-30-2007, 02:02 PM
It has felt like my throat has gotten tight and is closing up. Like I can't clear my throat. My heart pounds and it feels like I have to force myself to breathe. Not fun!