View Full Version : School

05-10-2013, 02:01 AM
So at the end of last year and the start of this year i have had a lot of time of school and i failed most of my exams last year, this year didn't start great and i am so behind. I had a whole week off once because i couldn't face anyone and I've had many more days off. I can't even look at my own mother and the more i get behind, the more anxiety i have.. And i come home everyday and sleep because my meds are making me so tired and i don't get any homework done. I don't know what I'm looking for, maybe some advice on what my options are?

05-10-2013, 05:36 AM
The first step I'd take would be to talk to your doctor about the drowsiness you're experiencing. Obviously that is not a good thing for a student who needs to be awake and aware enough to get school work done. I know it's tough to get out there and talk to them, but you don't have to look your doctor in the eye. If it's too scary, bring a letter or a script to read to the doctor while you're there.
If the meds don't work for your life, they don't work, period. There are lots of options out there in terms of medication.

Stephen Joseph
05-10-2013, 06:33 AM
In my personal opinion, meds should be a last resort. They can often add different problems into the mix, although they can provide relief from anxiety.

Your best bet is to seek out ways to reduce your anxiety using your own brain. We tend to underestimate just how powerful our minds are and how much we can use them to work with us (relaxation) rather than against us (anxiety). I'd suggest doing some reading on ways to change particular thinking patterns and behaviours as well as how you react to certain events. Also, find some relaxation techniques that relax the muscles of the body and calm the breathing. There are a variety that suit different people.

Find and tackle the root cause of your anxiety, and everything else will fit into place. You won't need meds.

05-10-2013, 07:09 AM
What type of medication are you taking?

I don't advocate to or not to take medication but for me, I needed them to begin the healing process

I do agree that the mind plays the majority role in your anxiety symptoms.

If you can never slow your mind down enough to begin using other techniques, you are fighting a losing battle.

I took Effexor and the occasional Xanax. After 3 weeks I never took another Xanax

My stress was reduced enough that I could finally get educated about anxiety and come up with a battle plan.

And I might add, my plan worked. It's been years since anxiety has controlled me. I whipped its ass.

If you are able to do this without any pharmaceutical help, great!!! If not, talk to your doctor about another med option.

The Effexor never made me tired. You can come off of your med and see how you are once you've gone all Chuck Norris on your anxiety

Some people say they need meds forever to keep their brain on an even keel. Who cares as long as you feel great and are living your life.

Lastly, regarding the root cause - I never truly figured out why this started in me. Genetics, lifestyle, particular event.....I don't know

I don't believe that if I ever determined the cause it would have stopped . I think I trained my brain into it and had to train in back...which I did.

You have to go to school, Kellie

You are entirely too cute to not be breaking hearts during what you will soon find to be the best years of your life

05-10-2013, 03:55 PM
Thank you all for your feed back! I'm on my last year of school and I'm taking Paroxetine, my therapist said that along with that and therapy it would help me a lot but i haven't noticed any changes so far except from the side effects. I think i need to look into some other ways that i can help myself.

As for the root of the problem, i really don't know what it could have been, we've been trying to figure that out, maybe it is just genetics!

If my meds continue to not work for me, i shall go see my doctor. Thank you a heap!