View Full Version : I let it get the best of me :(

05-09-2013, 10:09 PM
Hey all, thank goodness I'm done with school and my summer break has begun (laying around and sleeping has been severely needed!). However, I'm experiencing a lot of anxiety over how my semester from hell ended. So I ended up with a C (first ever) in Calculus, a B in Physics and assorted A- and A grades in the remaining five classes. My GPA ended up at 3.2 for the semester dropping my overall 3.77 to a 3.63. Ugh, I feel so bad because I let my anxieties take over my life this semester and not only did I let myself down but I wasted all my parents money for school. I'm feeling super down about it and kinda dreading next year :/ sigh...here's hoping I can do better but I'm having doubts...

05-10-2013, 06:08 AM
Hey, what's done is done. All you can do is keep moving forward. Relax this summer, concentrate on learning how to calm yourself so you don't let anxiety get the best of you. I do a combo of exercise, Tai chi and meditation. I have also cut back on a lot of caffeine.

Stephen Joseph
05-10-2013, 06:21 AM
I agree with what trinidiva suggested. Don't focus on what has just gone. It's happened and that's that. It's a learning experience.

What you need to do now is focus on the next stage and the best way you can prepare for that is by tackling your anxieties through a variety of relaxation techniques. What's more you have to really grab the bull by the horn so to speak and face your anxieties head on with a determination to overcome them. Wilting before them and thinking next term will be just like last term is a guarantee that this will indeed be a reality.

05-10-2013, 07:42 AM
There's a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror

Welcome to being human

We have setbacks and disappointments all the time

It's how you deal with those setbacks and disappointments that develops your character

Judging from your classes, you are a smart cookie

Don't just be book smart, be life smart

Wrap your big brain around the fact that you have flaws and you are going to fail at things

You're young. Make lots of mistakes and learn from them so you can kick ass as an adult and be able to teach your kids the same thing

When my kids get down or mad about something that disappointed them, I give them one day to be sad about it

The next day they have to tell me what they would have done differently and how they will approach a similar situation next time

It gets them back in the right mindset going forward

Train your brain to accept failures.

That way successes come much easier

05-10-2013, 08:41 AM
A 3.63 is nothing to feel down about!!! That takes a lot of hard work and you're in no way wasting your parent's money. If you graduate with a 3.6, that's graduating with honors. If you consider being on the honor roll 'letting yourself down,' then you may be a little too hard on yourself. Enjoy the summer. Pick it up again next year.

05-10-2013, 10:01 AM
Talk to your parents. My parents are very understanding, partially because my dad has anxiety and my mother has had some depression. Its good to talk to them and tell them that you have had a setback and you are moving forward.

05-10-2013, 07:28 PM
First off, 7 classes is a lot, and pulling off grades like that is phenomenal considering your course load, so you should be proud of yourself!

I graduated last year and the program I was in was the most challenging thing I have ever accomplished in my life. You couldnt pay me enough money to do it all over again lol. As a person with anxiety, I'm surprised I even made it out alive lol. So I understand how stressful school can be.

With that being said, I know how it feels to want to do the best you can, and wanting to keep that GPA up, but once you graduate, no one is going to care what your GPA was once you get out into the working world and look for a job. All they want to know is if you got that piece of paper. So don't beat yourself up about it. You finished one more semester and are that much closer to graduating. That's something to be proud of!