View Full Version : Worse feeling ever

05-09-2013, 02:06 PM
Been anxiety free all day even thought I was on to a good roll this week all of a sudden I had this palpertaion that was so bad it took me away and I swear I felt my heart stop for a few beats it was awful now I'm a state :( to the point I feel like I may die I'm a mess!!! How can I get that feeling out of now where I now feel like my time is up :( I have a 2 year old and really don't want to die just yet :( I hope this is anxiety and nothing bad

05-09-2013, 02:20 PM
Been anxiety free all day even thought I was on to a good roll this week all of a sudden I had this palpertaion that was so bad it took me away and I swear I felt my heart stop for a few beats it was awful now I'm a state :( to the point I feel like I may die I'm a mess!!! How can I get that feeling out of now where I now feel like my time is up :( I have a 2 year old and really don't want to die just yet :( I hope this is anxiety and nothing bad

I've been pretty ok for quite a long time ( as in , I dnt have really bad ones ) just little ones ... But I had the same thing on Mon and Tues .. Just came out ov no-where .. It's sounds like its just anxiety

Stephen Joseph
05-10-2013, 06:40 AM
It is anxiety. The first thing you need to do is to realise this and know you're not going to suddenly drop dead.

Secondly, you need to try and just float with the physical sensations you are having. Don't try to force them away. Just let them be. They are like an annoying house guest you cannot at the moment get rid of, but they will go, soon. You just have to be a little patient. You've no doubt been in this situation before and it all turned out alright, right?

Thirdly, when you have these palpatations again, you need to train your mind to focus on something else when they occur. Acknowledge they are there, but don't grab a hold of the fear. Instead attend to your child, or put on a comedy show, or go a brisk walk. You're not going to collapse, it's just an anxiety symptom fuelled by misfiring circuits in the brain and a release of natural chemicals to the body.

It always passes.

05-10-2013, 08:01 AM
Been anxiety free all day even thought I was on to a good roll this week all of a sudden I had this palpertaion that was so bad it took me away and I swear I felt my heart stop for a few beats it was awful now I'm a state :( to the point I feel like I may die I'm a mess!!! How can I get that feeling out of now where I now feel like my time is up :( I have a 2 year old and really don't want to die just yet :( I hope this is anxiety and nothing bad

I had the exact same thing happen to me a few days ago!!!!!

I was watching the news first thing in the morning and out of nowhere it hit me like a bomb. Boom

I really thought me heart stopped. And I am sitting there waiting to feel it start again.

I have been passed anxiety symptoms for many years now and NEVER felt a palpitation like this one

If anxiety has a hierarchy, the KingShit sent this one

I almost jumped out of bed to run. Where I don't know. But then just stopped and gathered myself.

It stopped when I did.

I think God was letting me know that I never can get too comfortable thinking I will never feel any symptoms of anxiety

But give this guy an "A" for how he dealt with it.

It's totally how you react to your thoughts and physical symptoms

I got so excited telling this story that I am gonna really celebrate tonight by drinking entirely too much with my brotha from across the pond