View Full Version : Finally have some hope

05-09-2013, 10:36 AM
I've had panic disorder for the past 2 1/2 - 3 months. Having up to 3 attacks daily is really hard to deal with. Yesterday i went to my psychiatrist and he prescribed me something called buspar 15mg. He said it may work right away for me or it may take a few days. Ever since i took that pill, i've been feeling as close to normal as i ever have. Its working miracles on me. I was taking 80mg prozac and 1 mg ativan (twice a day) but yesterday was the first time that i didn't have to take any ativan whatsoever. I highly recommend this medication

05-09-2013, 12:32 PM
Really glad to hear you've found something to help you, you must feel such a sense of relief!

I'm curious about something you said in your post: you've had panic disorder for 2.5 months and you were taking 80 mg. of Prozac? Was that your starting dose or did you start small and keep increasing? It just makes me wonder because I've been trying to go from 20 mg. to 30 mg. and I still feel side affects. I can't even imagine getting up to 80 that fast.

Here's hoping the Buspar continues to work for you.