View Full Version : Blood pressure

05-09-2013, 10:33 AM
I have been having more frequent skipped heart beats, jolts, jitters and wobbles which triggered my anxiety off a lot!
I recently went to the doctor and he checked my blood pressure and it was 126/80 can somebody tell me if this is high/low blood pressure as I don't know anything about it, and if the skips where anything to worry about would it show up in my blood pressure x

05-09-2013, 10:35 AM
Hey nicole.

Chances are the skips and jolts have always been there.

However youve not noticed them before because you wasnt thinking about them.

I have bad heart anxiety at the moment and im noticing ever little jolt which ive had before and just ignored them.

I wouldnt panic over them as that will trigger anxiety to be worse and its just a messy cycle

Good luck

05-09-2013, 12:34 PM
Your blood pressure is pretty darned near perfect.

05-09-2013, 12:34 PM
Your blood pressure is pretty much text book perfect.