08-05-2007, 12:47 PM
Hi, I am new on here I just kind of wanted some outside opinions - I have always been a very outgoing person, somewhat shy in school but nothing major, but over the past four years or so since I had my first son around that time, I have started becoming what I would like to call 'crazy' lol. At first it was just that I felt really shy in social situations, I would feel like I had nothing to say and always feel like I was going to embarrass myself, then it grew to where I would literally never be around when even my family came, because I was too nervous or afraid? Im not sure. I am pregnant again, and although it was really bad before this, at this point I am not sure what to do, it is that bad. Even when I am just by myself, I often feel as though I am going to have a heart attack my heart is pounding so fast and it almost hurts. Over the past two weeks or so I have actaully had trouble swallowing!! I have no idea why, but it freaks me out even more and then its even harder to. A couple of times, I have felt as though I might pass out and I've had trouble breathing. Even something as simple as taking my son for a walk down the street these days, I am shaky and nervous and I absolutely hate it. The worst part is that I am really NOT like this as a person and I cannot explain how much I hate the feeling of my body acting in ways that I cannot help. Everyone knows me as being a very friendly and nice person and I have lots of friends but I cant even go out anywhere anymore, weddings, parties, even just visits with a family member is like a huge deal and I build it up even more in my mind and do whatever I can to completely avoid these situations. Before I got pregnant this time (the father of my first had him half of the time) and when I didnt have him, I was drinking a lot and I loved it because (I didnt get super drunk) but it was me being able to be myself again, I never even felt DRUNK when I drank anymore, it's almost like the drinking just calmed the anxiety and let me be myself if you know what I mean. Its just really hard, and since it has started to get so bad with the troubles eating - even when Im with one of my best friends and thats it, someone who I feel completely comfortable with, I havent been able to swallow, even on my own its freaking ridiculous. I really cannot live like this anymore Im not depressed at all but it just really hurts feeling like I cant do anything to change and get back to who I used to be. I think the smartest thing to do would be to go and talk to a therapist - I really do not want to take medications, and feel as though maybe if I had someone like a therapist to talk to they would figure out what has caused this and what I can do to get back to being myself and not feeling like Im having a panic attack when I go to the corner store for goddsake its ridiculous.

Anyways sorry to blab on, I just want to know whether anyone thinks this is anxiety or not, what type and what your opinions are? I would love feedback from anyone and everyone. Thanks.

08-06-2007, 12:23 AM
Well sounds like you have a lot to worry about in your life at the moment, first thing to do is to go and see a competent doctor with experience in matters such as this. Try meditation in the mornings and evenings (30mins, hard at first then gets easier) ... hard exercise, really work yourself to release some of that tension ... go on a hard jog or weightlifting session.... listen to relaxation tapes and don't be afraid to tell everyone you're going somewhere for a break maybe a weekend at a nature resort, where there's peace and quiet ... try and get that inner dialogue to stop working over time. ...

ps: don't be so disparaging of medication... taking something for a while takes the stress off your body so it can heal itself and you have the time to implement changes that are necessary for you to be a happy productive individual in the long term.... good luck

08-11-2007, 01:12 PM
I'm not sure here. I am going off subject a little. Putting your symptoms aside there seems to be an unusual amount of stress in your life. This can be self stress or stress put on you from others. I would suggest talking to a (woman) therapist. It might be stress, a hormone, but the symptoms are hitting different subject areas, not focused. While there could be something wrong causing one or more symptoms I can not say either way, only a doctor could give that opinion. I think talking with a therapist is a great idea to work out your stresses and identify where they are coming from. The licenses therapist can guide you from there. If you feel you have other problems described as symptoms you should also see a doctor to rule out. But I would see a therapist either way to help you identify the cause for your stresses.

08-12-2007, 05:27 PM
ps: don't be so disparaging of medication... taking something for a while takes the stress off your body so it can heal itself and you have the time to implement changes that are necessary for you to be a happy productive individual in the long term.... good luck

Keep in mind that there are also REALLY good reasons to avoid taking medications. Now I personally would have NOTHING against taking a pill that would help me to get through difficult times, and then stopping it when things get better. The problem is that, from what I have seen of other people, things seldom work out this way. Medications frequently give people side effects that are worse than the original problem at hand. And getting off SSRIs (and similar types of drugs) can be REALLY difficult. Furthermore, I have yet to see someone who has actually REALLY had their life improve because they took meds. Pretty much everybody I have seen who has taken meds either (1) couldn't stand the side effects and got off, or (2) just stayed on them and has never really gotten ALOT better. So my advice is to stay away from this stuff unless everything else has failed. In other words, meds should be a LAST resort rather than the first line treatment that they are these days. At least until we get some meds which are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better than those currently available.