View Full Version : What type of Magnesium?

05-08-2013, 07:38 PM
I want to purchase some magnesium supplements because I believe they have the potential to help greatly with anxiety but I'm not sure WHICH magnesium is best for that. Citrate? Taurate? Oxide? I think I read about another one, too, but can't remember the name.


05-08-2013, 07:40 PM
I take Citrate, I like it a lot. There are other types of more 'effective' magnesium supps, but it is a mineral, and too much of a good thing can override the balance.

05-08-2013, 07:46 PM
K, thanks. I was torn between citrate or taurate.

05-08-2013, 07:48 PM
What dose size are you looking to get? Try get one around 400-500mg.

05-08-2013, 07:58 PM
OK, thanks. I think I need to find smaller mg. tablets, though, because I have colitis and if this starts to cause that to flare up I'll need to be able to cut down on the dosages.

What about Natural Calm powder?

05-08-2013, 08:09 PM
Hi Sue,

Oh ok sure. Yeah, Magnesium can cause a little stomach upset in some people, better to remain cautious. You'd probably want to try Magnesium glycinate instead. It has less stomach problems attached to it, as it's much easier on the stomach. I'd recommend that out of everything without question!

I'd probably try the glycinate on it's own first, and then try Natural Calm powder if there are no problems with it, and if you still want to. You can buy it at I-herb if you can't find it. They are a good company, I've used them a lot.

05-09-2013, 01:15 PM
haha i remember when I tried Mag I had a terrible reaction to it. Make sure to just start out at a small dose and youll be fine.

05-09-2013, 02:07 PM
I take magnesium glycinate. It's one of the most easily absorbed forms and will not cause diarrhea like some of the other formulations do.

05-09-2013, 05:00 PM
K, great. Glycinate it is. Thanks all.