View Full Version : Tired of being alone in this

Duck Daffy
05-08-2013, 06:55 PM
I'm tired of going through this alone.

"You're not alone" "It's rough, but we're here for you"

Please try to refrain from using those comments. I understand and appreciate what you're trying to say, but unfortunately, those would just be more words that I've read with no emotional attachment.

I've told people what's going on with me in my "real life", but nothing has changed. I don't want my immediate family to bow down to me or anything, but could something change? Despite how in-depth I divulge to them what's going on, it's like they don't realize how bad it is. Things were seemingly getting better, but the past week has been (in regards to anxiety) the worst week of my life. I can't seem to escape the panic and fear. I almost feel as if I'm progressively ostracizing myself.

I want nothing more than somebody (ANYBODY) to be with me through this. I cannot - will not - be tormented by this forever. I was a go-getter, hard working, confident guy. It isn't in my genetic makeup to be this panicky boy (emphasis on the word 'boy'). I will be back to my "normal" self soon, but in the meantime, I just wish I had somebody.

05-08-2013, 07:48 PM
I would suggest to you that the people in your real life dont have an anxiety disorder so they will have a hard time getting how serious things are. Understandably so.

My anxiety fluctuated as well when i was really dealing with it.

And like you, I was very outgoing and kicked ass at lots of sports.

So you have the right attitude about getting back to who you want to be and refusing to be tormented.

But you are also putting loads of pressure on yourself which causes more stress and you guessed it, anxiety

Its an evil son of a bitch I agree

Setbacks are going to happen. How you react to those setbacks can dictate how quickly you will heal

Chalk it up as learning. The more you learn, the easier it is

If you cant change your circumstances, change your attitude

And I know how hard it is to deal with alone but as much as you refuse to see it, some people here I imagine look at you as a friend

And the people here may be some of the best understanding and helpful people you will encounter as you travel this path

I hope you find soon what it is you are looking for

05-08-2013, 07:58 PM
I know how you feel family just blows me off

05-08-2013, 08:59 PM
DuckDaffy and AnthonyJbro760,
Ok so many years ago when my Panic Attacks were in full blown assault mode I did what most do I sought out a psychologist after I had exhausted trips to ERS, had ambulances to my home on and on. I told my father I was off to the Psychologist and he said under his breath from the other room " you have to pay someone to listen to you". Well that was just one more knife wound, in a series of many. During my years of horrific anxiety my family members were absolutely the worst people for support. Did I love my siblings and Dad? Sure I did but that doesn't mean they were productive to be around. What you need is a support system that consists of individuals that have lived and walked in your shoes. No one, repeat No one,including Drs. understand the depth and horror of a full blown anxiety disorder unless they have suffered it.The people on this Forum are those people, the people that have felt exactly as isolated as you feel. Human Bonds are formed by commonality not by genetics. Your family is your family not necessarily your solution.Do not assume that people on this Forum are here for selfish reasons. There are members that range from an Acute Phase of Panic Disorder to a Recovery Phase. Equate that Recovery Phase Poster to a Sponsor in AA they are here to encourage, support and offer a much needed shoulder to lean on. Perhaps the true meaning of friendship is someone who wants nothing more then for you then health and happiness, sight unseen.

05-08-2013, 09:22 PM
Also just a short note there are a lot of comments such as "I was gregarious, strong, hard worker, popular, smart "etc...? I think a lot of people equate anxiety ( Panic) with weakness. This simply is NOT so. People with anxiety are strong individuals that because of that innate strength haven't paid attention to the warning signs of too much stress that others have listened to and adjusted their lifestyles to manage. Stop looking down on yourself for having this happen to you, this mindset is negative, nonproductive and self abusive. Pat yourself on the back for coping and caring enough about yourselves to seek help on this Forum. Be Well.