View Full Version : pain behind eyes
08-04-2007, 07:28 AM
I woke up this morning very late, feeling very weak. I also woke up with this feeling of pain behind both eyes. I can feel my eyes sore when I push them or move them. I usually have this when I have a fever...but I don't seem to have that now.
Maybe it will pass as it came but after I looked up the symptom on the web, I saw pain behind the eys could be a sign of meningitis and other stuff...before that I panicked and felt I would black out.
I hate having a new health concern every day, a constant feeling of life being threatened. I want to get back to life!
08-05-2007, 11:53 PM
Before making prognoses we are not sure of we should try to ascertain the facts .. for example if this pain behind the eyes just occurred today and is not a chronic or ongoing problem it could simply be a headache and will pass ... anyway regardless of what i say you should seek the help of a competent and experienced doctor not one of these fudgers who isn't sure of what he says himself. I find when i know exactly what it is, half the pain is lifted already and everyone's on your team to help you with it ... i know how you feel about a 'new problem everyday' i've had a twitch in my left eye for about four days now (actually forgot to tell the doctor when i was in there today :) ... but after searching wikipedia looks like a minor case of fasciculation probably caused by stress or a magnesium deficiency ..... the more knowledge you have the more power and control you wield. Good luck
08-06-2007, 02:37 AM
I still have it today, just less intense. It's been always there, at different intensities, for 3 days. And I wake up with this feeling of weakness and malady, it's like I KNOW I have something. A tumor, a brain infection...I must have something.
Please somebody help...I'm sick of doctors. They always tell me I have nothing, but these are NEW symptoms I never checked...I can't go to the doctor every damn day...
08-06-2007, 05:58 PM
Heya guys, look you know all of us with this condition have GOT TO STOP looking up our symptoms on the internet.. No good comes of it.. Look at it this way, before you had anxiety, would you have paid any attention if you had woken up with a bit of an eyeball headache? I'm thinking that you would have thought 'ooooh, might need a drink of water' and then got on with your day.
The muscles around the eyes particularly those that support the lens of the eye are quite delicate and respond strongly to tension. That's what usually causes the blurred vision, tricks of sight and pain around the eyes associated with anxiety, although dehydration can do it as well.
Jeordie, if your doctors have told you repeatedly that there is nothing physiologically wrong with you then the chances are 99% that your symptoms are coming from anxiety and the only way to get past this is to accept your condition and STOP FIGHTING IT! I know how much we all desperately want our symptoms to be caused by something we can see and be medicated for conventionally. I was in tears when I came out of the doctors surgery after being told my MRI was totally clear because I had so wanted a 'real' answer to what was happening to me.
When you actually stop and logically think about it though, which would you honestly prefer? A condition that makes you feel like crap and has a plethora of horrible symptoms but is ultimately 100% curable and doesn't damage your body long term, or would you rather have a brain tumour or meningitis? I'm guessing that if you went to an oncology ward and asked all the people in there which one they would prefer I think I know what their answer would be.
Anxiety is horrible and crippling and totally bewildering but we all got our own brains into this pattern (unconsciously or otherwise) and by dint of simple logic, we can all get our brains OUT of the pattern as well. I was right where you are 6 months ago, so I do know exactly how you feel, and I'm not a doctor so I've got no basis for telling you that you don't have something hideous but if you're really that frightened, go to the doctor again and get checked out, but perhaps before you do you might consider resolving that if you get the all clear this time, you start to accept that your symptoms are being caused by anxiety and start to address the parts that you can.
08-06-2007, 08:24 PM
We continue to suffer with anxiety because we need certainty. No amount of doctors will be able to tell you with 100% certainty that you are fine. No test is 100% right all of the time. People with anxiety want control, and in turn need certainty. You can never be certain of anything. At some point i had to accept that i could possibly have a chronic disease and that it would go undetected. It gave me awful anxiety, but in the long run i was able to stop worrying.
What helped me the most was telling myself that it was just anxiety and that i was lucky. we should be relieved everytime doctors say it's nothing. We're so much luckier than people with chronic disease because ours is treatable.
08-09-2007, 05:00 AM
Whatever you do never ever look up symptoms on the Internet. The only person that can diagnose you properly is your Doctor.
I made exactly the same mistake as you by typing in the symptoms of x on Google and if you look for problems you will find them easily.
Now I have got used to going to the Doctors and being checked out I feel better.
Before I went to the Doctors, I had an ulcer on my lip that did not go, so I decided to look up on the internet and it came back with oral cancer which freaked me out.
Then because I had a UTI on top of this, I started looking this up on Google. It said that I can lead to Kidney Damage again added to my anxiety because reading the symptoms it felt like I had them. Even worse Doctor asked me for a urine test.
Then I looked on Google for this and it said to check for Protein in Urine which can lead to Kidney Damage.
Then I got mouth Thrush, which is not going but again this leads to all weird and bad information.
Then for some reason I though I had sepsis, one of the symptoms was confusion. And guess what I became confused, panicked and then broke down in tears. Then when my girlfriend came back home, guess what I felt better the sepsis had dissapeared.
Type in keep getting headaces in Google, I can gaurantee you it will come back with Brain Tumour.
Type in keep getting sore throats and smoking, lump in throat it will come back with throat cancer.
A lot of these silly sites always tell you of the worst case scenario. They are firstly written to make money, and all them are complete and utter bullshit. Secondly most people with Anxiety will feel that they have all the symptoms listed if you think about them.
I wish they would ban these sites for good. They don't tell how and what a Doctor will do for you first for example Antibiotics and other tests. Its always the worst case scenario.
Please take it from me, do yourself a favours and stop looking on the web.
Google is a bastard for this sort of information and I honestly think all health websites should be banned unless they are the NHS which is true and accurate.
And Dorigen is correct, thank god we dont have a real disease. Anxiety makes you feel as though you have a disease.
I do have underlying health problems, however whatever is whatever. If I got a problem they will sort it. Secondly If I am still getting up everyday I am still alive and breathing and feel ok but not brilliant I expcet this and get on until I see the doctor again.
If I get a serious pain where I am in agony then I know there is a serious problem. By this time I will be in Hospital and the skilled Doctors and Nurses will find and fix me.
08-10-2007, 12:59 PM
If you really think you may have a tumor a scan would alleviate the worry, it could just be stress though.
08-10-2007, 01:04 PM
Wow man, this isn't helping. No, I don't think I have e tumor because of the pain behind my eyes, you do? I have no idea what I have. I shouldn't say that, nor you, a doctor should. The doctor told me he doesn't think I have any physical illness. Still, I feel ill. That's all I know, I feel ill even if I'm not. I'm not gonna shake out of this thinking I have a tumor. I don't think I need a scan.
08-22-2007, 09:41 PM
I had the EXACT same shit. I thought i had gualcoma or some type of brain tumor. I just eventually learned to ignore it and it went away. You need to just learn to ignore the nagging aches and symptoms. Although it may anxe you out a little at first, it'll help kill the anxiety cycle.
08-23-2007, 02:55 AM
Thanks a lot, it has passed for few days but I have it again today. Knowing somebody else has had it helps.
08-26-2007, 07:33 PM
Was wondering if you wear glasses or think you may need them, cause I was experiencing the same symptoms only behind one eye to find out I have a stigmatism and a migraine issue. I do the same thing going into google and typing in symptoms of whatever to see if I have it. Its called Cybercondria. I wish I could stop doing it, because every few weeks it is something new with me and I am tired of paying all these freakin medical bills. How is your head now? Is it any better? Hope you feel better soon.
08-27-2007, 03:34 AM
I'm better, thanks, I stopped looking up on google. I told my doctor and the doctor told me I'm not ill because of this symptom, and I didn't feel it anymore. It came back for a single day, and that was it.
He asked me to check my sight though, which I'll so soon.
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