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05-08-2013, 04:44 PM
Hi. I am new here. Just signed up. I am just curious to see if I would benefit from sharing my story and or reading about other people that have different forms of anxiety. Like testing this forum out.

I have generalized anxiety disorder and OCD that is not too active. Had really bad ocd before I was diagnosed and when went off medication. Not too bad now, but i have periods of really bad anxiety which limits my quality of life i would say. I have IBS which I think is due to anxiety. Just started seeing a psychologist who specializes in CBT. In my early twenties. Still studying at university. Worry and over think way too much. Also sweat when I'm anxious and then being aware of this makes me more nervous and causes a vicious cycle. That's about me ... Hoping to find some stuff about GAD or anxiety in general. My GAD is really general in the true sense as I just get anxious from many things, social and other forms like nervous about an exam etc.


05-08-2013, 07:54 PM
Well you landed in the right spot I assure you

All kinds of anxiety issues here. Many have an array of them

Also lots of people that have overcome it so it gives people hope going through it

Welcome aboard. Enjoy your stay

Checkout is at 11:00

05-08-2013, 11:11 PM
Sweating, IBS, OCD are all signs of anxiety and are difficult to manage, but can be done with practice. It sounds like you are already getting help with CBT and I hope this is helping you.

The main thing to help with anxiety is not only your thoughts but also your breathing so always make sure when you are not feeling good that you are not shallow breathing from your chest but deep breathing from your stomach. It calms you right down and then your sweating will calm down too.

There is a spray you can buy which you can spray on your face and it stops you sweating - I have found that really useful at work and it sounds strange but it does work - I bought my can in Boots.

As you say it is a vicious circle,and usually everyone is different, so you have to find your own way of calming yourself down and breaking the cycle.

Learn some mantras to say in your head to calm yourself down too, these really help.

05-09-2013, 06:25 AM
The sweating is twofold I think. It might very well be a side effect - increased sweating- of my medication. My psychiatrists said this could be the case. This is worst In summer and does not necessarily come about from nerves but heat. But this does make me very self conscious and anxious.

Then there is a different type of sweating which is caused by anxiety, as in when I about to do a presentation at university or many other reasons.

I am optimistic about CBT, the idea of exposure sounds the most promising but I suppose it's what I put in.

Thanks for the replies

05-10-2013, 08:35 PM
Yes, I think anything like CBT you only get the most out of it if you are willing to put the effort in.

I have just done a recovery well being tool kit course and found it really good, and a good group of people to get to know, and whilst I have been off sick it has been good putting time into what I wanted in my personal well being tool kit.

Sweating makes me self conscious - I am overweight because I comfort eat as soon as down, plus tablets don't help - and I find sweating a real problem. Anxiety does make me sweat too especially if I am in a shop and know that I am starting to panic. Only learning techniques like deep breathing to calm yourself down will help at times like that.