View Full Version : Collapsed from intense stress or panic attack?

05-08-2013, 03:36 PM

I am new to the forum. I have someone close to me going through some rough time...I am not 100% sure what it is. I think he once said it was a type of panic attack.

It happens when he gets an episode of intense stress. His body would feel extreme weak. One time I was there when this happened where he couldn't even walk. It was as though his knees weighted a thousand tons. I don't remember him hyperventilating...maybe he was, but I don't remember him gasping for air. He would have some chest pain/discomfort and his body would remain as though it was paralyzed. He wouldn't be able to respond, maybe just uttering one or two words at a time.

Then it can get to the point where his body tremors a little bit. We weren't in the US at the time this happened, and I remember panicking of what to do. Then after the shaking (not like a full blown seizure), he started to drool and his eyes weren't even looking at me or anything in particular...they kind of stared into nothing. I thought he was having a stroke because of the drooling.

I know he was fighting this because I was shaking him and asking him questions to see if he could respond.

He finally was able to utter an almost unintelligible word "water". I thought he wanted to drink some water...

But then I finally understood that he was telling me to splash water on his face, to which I did immediately. Within second when I did that, it was as though he just snapped out of it and came back to life. He could talk again...though his body was still weak, so he rested.

Is this an episode of an anxiety attack? Or something else?

Sometimes he would get chest pain/discomfort when he thinks of certain things/stressed out. He went to see a doctor once about the chest pain which the doc ruled as muscle tightening, and prescribed him temporary medicine and said he could take ... I believe ibuprofen to relieve some of the discomfort. Dr didn't think it was his heart.

Can this damage his heart/heart muscles?

I am so worried about his well-being. He also isn't fond of hospitals or going to see a doctor either.

Does anyone has any experience like this or any input? All would be appreciated. Thank you.

05-08-2013, 03:48 PM

I am new to the forum. I have someone close to me going through some rough time...I am not 100% sure what it is. I think he once said it was a type of panic attack.

It happens when he gets an episode of intense stress. His body would feel extreme weak. One time I was there when this happened where he couldn't even walk. It was as though his knees weighted a thousand tons. I don't remember him hyperventilating...maybe he was, but I don't remember him gasping for air. He would have some chest pain/discomfort and his body would remain as though it was paralyzed. He wouldn't be able to respond, maybe just uttering one or two words at a time.

Then it can get to the point where his body tremors a little bit. We weren't in the US at the time this happened, and I remember panicking of what to do. Then after the shaking (not like a full blown seizure), he started to drool and his eyes weren't even looking at me or anything in particular...they kind of stared into nothing. I thought he was having a stroke because of the drooling.

I know he was fighting this because I was shaking him and asking him questions to see if he could respond.

He finally was able to utter an almost unintelligible word "water". I thought he wanted to drink some water...

But then I finally understood that he was telling me to splash water on his face, to which I did immediately. Within second when I did that, it was as though he just snapped out of it and came back to life. He could talk again...though his body was still weak, so he rested.

Is this an episode of an anxiety attack? Or something else?

Sometimes he would get chest pain/discomfort when he thinks of certain things/stressed out. He went to see a doctor once about the chest pain which the doc ruled as muscle tightening, and prescribed him temporary medicine and said he could take ... I believe ibuprofen to relieve some of the discomfort. Dr didn't think it was his heart.

Can this damage his heart/heart muscles?

I am so worried about his well-being. He also isn't fond of hospitals or going to see a doctor either.

Does anyone has any experience like this or any input? All would be appreciated. Thank you.

Has this person had this agen ?
Have they checked it out with the doctor ?

05-08-2013, 07:52 PM
Has this person had this agen ?
Have they checked it out with the doctor ?

Well it happens rarely. The first time was more ham a couple of years ago. The last time it happened was about 4 months ago and I was there. Yesterday he almost "collapsed" due to stress again but fought it.

He had gone to the doctor about chest pain and they said it was chest muscle and most likely a panic attack.

05-08-2013, 08:03 PM
If he has been checked out medically and they are suggesting that it was anxiety or panic, then I would go with that

If he is new to this, he has no idea what his body is doing or why

I have heard about and seen people in the beginnings of this disorder and they often lay down and tremble until the wave of panic ends

Which it always does and he may feel a bit tired and most definitely afraid of what the hell just happened

Important for him too get educated and not intimidated about anxiety

Once he recognizes it as panic and it will be uncomfortable but not dangerous, he will quickly start winning the battle

Not reacting to his physical symptoms or his irrational thoughts are the key to stopping panic in its tracks

Might be a good idea to turn him on to this forum

Great place to start and finish the journey

05-09-2013, 08:55 AM
Wow, that's an extreme panic attack, but they can vary from person to person. I find that when I used to have my panic attack, laying down, drinking some ice water, and concentrating on controlling my breathing helped tremendously. It comes with time though....once you begin to realize what a panic attack feels like and that it cant hurt you, you can start the 'recovery' process.

05-09-2013, 09:24 AM
Sound more like some type of convulsion or seizure. If it were anxiety he would tell you he was very scared and distressed often with a rapid pulse and feeling of fear and/or intense dread, etc. Alankay

05-09-2013, 11:28 AM
Sound more like some type of convulsion or seizure. If it were anxiety he would tell you he was very scared and distressed often with a rapid pulse and feeling of fear and/or intense dread, etc. Alankay

Yeah , u was thinking the same but didn't want to alarm anyone