View Full Version : Uuuuh, obsessions!

05-08-2013, 02:54 PM
I can't stop thinking about a particular health worry... I was told if you think something enough, you can give yourself illnesses! Now since I was told that (a bit like "don't look down") I can't stop obsessing... nothing I do, takes my mind off it and I'm so scared I'll give myself this thing I'm scared of!

Not to mention I'm worried I'm going crazy, not being able to control my thoughts and actually getting so fed up, shouting to myself to shut up!

Anybody know how to get over this?

05-08-2013, 03:02 PM
I am curious what you are obsessing over.

I can get myself heart palpitations and a pain riddled chest by not breathing correctly so I guess in a sense some things like that could be true.

But if it as serious as cancer, heart attack, Lupus, etc... That you couldn't do, as hard as you may try

05-08-2013, 03:14 PM
Obsessing is so easy to get stuck into about health or about anything else your head decides to.

I think obsessing about anything is all part of mental illness and it is really hard to overcome.

Sometimes I get obsessed about an illness, and then I get obsessed about buying or downloading as much information as possible about it, even if I don't ever read it.

I am always certain that the next thing i buy or find is going to give me some great advice which is going to put all my health problems right - keep hoping, but not happening yet.