View Full Version : Positive stories?

05-08-2013, 05:57 AM
Just wondering (and hoping) if anyone on here has actually beaten anxiety for good, or is this possible? Feels like Ill never be back to my old self before these horrible thoughts and feelings..

05-08-2013, 06:04 AM
I am suffering from.anxiety, on meds even on counselling, the better way yo beat d anxiety is within oneself, try relaxation and breathing techniques, i am still suffering bt i can handle it when its near to peak..

So best of luck dont think negative people here are all suffering n going thru d same phase, keep sharing it will help..

05-08-2013, 06:55 AM
I believe I'm 90-95% of the way there. I was a bad case too. Involuntarily put into a clinic. Fun memories....(Not!) It's my 3rd year since that happened now.

Having seen what I've seen, I don't think anybody 'beats' anxiety, as anxiety is a completely natural response to life. Our problem, is that the volume is too loud, and the microphone is overly sensitive, and reacts to every bit of noise.

It's believed that anxiety stems from the Amygdala over reacting for whatever reason.

After unsuccessfully trying to treat my condition, I took a new stance on tackling it. I went about soothing and calming it, rather than beating it.

This small change in mindset is profound.

If the amygdala is over reactive, then treating the symptoms like an enemy, and the condition as a problem, is creating more of a reaction, and worsening the problem.

Surely the answer is to reduce all reaction as much as possible, through mental understanding, acceptance, cbt, and nervous system healing.

Afterall, if anxiety is a fight or flight response, and you believe yourself to be in trouble, up against a foe, or fighting against something, the condition is evolutionary valid to stay around. "I'm scared I may never go back to being myself" is a pretty terrifying thing for the mind to think of, and believe.

Did I beat anxiety? No. Did I soothe it and put it back to sleep. Yes, I feel I did! :) Good luck, I'll try and help if you have questions. I'm nicknamed Mr.Essay so I'm trying to keep posts shorter!

05-08-2013, 07:26 AM
As much as I look for any reason not to agree with anything Jessed said, just this once I will agree.

I fought as he did for years. If you fight something, it usually fights you even harder.

The more I tried to make it go away for be cured, the more of a hold it had.

Once I realized that I really wasnt that afraid of panic anymore, it stopped.

ANd what I mean by saying I wasnt afraid, I mean that I had so many attacks and nothing ever happened,

I finally asked what the hell am I doing?

I changed my strategy and way of thinking. I became so educated and familiar with what anxiety was and how it reacts and why.

Anxiety was my new BFF.

So cured is relative for me. I still get the goofy thought or the physical symptom. It just doesnt scare me anymore. It got old, so it stopped.

A few nights ago I woke up, and my heart was beating like a Metallica drum. Hopefully from an erotic and not scary dream that I fail to recall.

I had the most abrupt heart palipitation I have had in years. Felt like my heart completely stopped for a few seconds.

It sat me up in bed like I wanted to run.

Fight or flight kicked in. Just sat there for a moment and it stopped.

I suppose my point is this. There may be people who are truly cured.

I still get many of the same triggers that I once had. I just dont react to them because they arent scarry.

Its not your symptoms or your thoughts. Its how you react to them.

Many people understand this quickly so they quickly get anxiety under control.

And for the record, my life is way better having been through this and healing.

I appreciate everything....even Jessed.;)

05-08-2013, 08:40 AM
Thanks guys, thats all really helpful, I think I might be getting the hang of it, most days I can rationalize it and see that the crappy symptoms, are just that symptoms! But like everyone there are bad days..my biggest fear at the moment is that Ill freak out at my wedding, still cant control worrying at the moment.. its great to find somewhere that I can say these things and not feel stupid or crazy.. ;-)

05-08-2013, 11:16 AM
I have controlled it thanks to meds. I no longer have panic attacks. Been on meds for one year now. Gonna try magnesium supplements next.

05-09-2013, 02:42 PM
Thanks guys,

Sometimes its so hard to see a positive end :-) but hearing others stories really helps.

Stephen Joseph
05-10-2013, 11:11 AM
Yes. I suffered from the worst anxiety imaginable. It was terrible. I'd spend days on end just crying under the strain of the anxiety and the fears. It destroyed my confidence and pretty much everything in life. Medication just kept me in a stupor.

But, I managed to recover. Now I am free from the anxiety disorders I suffered from. Anyone can reduce their anxiety disorder if they find the right techniques for them. If you persevere and really believe you can overcome your anxiety, then you will.

Keep the flame of hope burning, even through the darkest hours. You can do it.

05-10-2013, 11:32 AM
Thanks Stephen, great to hear a success story :-)