View Full Version : Could I have Anxiety Issues??

08-02-2007, 05:09 PM
Hi Folks,

Like many ppl on here I would like to share my feelings, I have been searching the web for reasons for my symtoms and stumbled across anxiety.

I am 26, slim and healthy.

I have been feeling generally dizzy for the past few months with some days being better than others and I can't yet work out any reason for this.

Constant tinnitus in both ears, also popping when I swallow or yawn.

General feeling of confusion, I find it hard to concentrate and although I am bright I find it hard to learn new things, brain fog is a good term that fits!

About a year ago I had a massive dizzy spell at work with sweating and high heart rate, I shut myself away in the loo's and the feeling went. Since then I have had a couple of mini episodes.

I have always become dizzy with a raised heart rate in stressful situations like presentations but I always thought that was normal in humans?!?!

I am a very happy person so do happy people get anxiety problems? I am pretty laid back too but have been told I hold my emotions in too much!!

Any comments would be appreciated, Thanks.

08-03-2007, 12:59 AM
Hello. Lets see what I can add. Tinnitus with ear popping could be sinus pressure. My tinnitus is terrible sometimes. I used to think it was ear damage until I had the flew with a super runny nose. It went away for just that day. That was the only time I can remember in my life it was completely gone. I can't see that being anxiety. The tinnitus may not be tinnitus too. It can be from medications as a side effect if your taking meds. The ear popping is normal for people with sinus problems and not anxiety.

Happy people can have anxiety too. Everyone has some kind of anxiety. The question is when does it become a problem?

Sweating and high heart rate. That can be classic anxiety. But it is always a good idea to be seen by your doctor to be on the safe side. You might get scared from the dizzyness.

But being dizzy... That can be part of the sinus problem, eyes, work related, so many things even lighting. I would see a doctor. Once that rapid heart beat takes over hard to say what is what when it's a panic attack if you are having anxiety. No one can really say anxiety or not with out seeing a doctor to rule other stuff out.

The fog... I can't comment on that unless you are not sleeping well at night.

The dizzy to me is new. But I am just learning about anxiety and I am not a doctor. Anything that you have a doubt about see a doctor.

08-04-2007, 07:12 AM
Tinnitus, dizzines, brain fog.. Could be as simple as allergies.

Try eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. Those always do wonders for physical symptoms.

Anyways, it *could* be anxiety, but usually you have psychological and emotional symptoms too. You would probably know it if you did.

See your doctor and see what they say. If you are female, it's possible it could be hormonal.

10-21-2007, 07:19 AM
Sorry for the late reply...only just realised i had replies to my post!

I have become closer to maybe working out If I have anxiety or not, I have found that the only times I feel properly dizzy is in stressful situations like when a girl i fancy is in the same bar or I am meeting lots of new ppl.

I have also found that If I have a stressful situation my symtoms are much worse If I have been drinking alcohol or Caffeine/Sugary drinks.

I also noticed that if distracted by talking I forget my dizziness etc.

I guess I shud see a doc but been busy with new job.

Thanks peeps