View Full Version : Newbie here. Looking for some help with Anxiety as it's took over my life.

05-08-2013, 03:37 AM
5 years now I've went through so many cycles of anxiety. To this day i still question if it is anxiety and not something physical with my brain. Most of the time I am feeling lightheaded, almost floating out my own body and i start freaking out. This is the main problem with me. Is this really symptoms of anxiety? I took myself of citalopram and doctor told me to take 50 mg setraline but I'm not sure about taking them as I want to try and beat this on my own. I am trying so hard to feel like the person i used to be before all of this started and cant seem to get the " old " me back, feels like i am loosing my mind. Anyone with similar symptoms due to anxiety ? Thank you for taking the time to read this. Allan

05-08-2013, 03:54 AM
Yes it is a symptom. With enough stress and worry the body gives out symptoms showing it needs to rest and recover. Derealization or feeling slightly off, surreal, dizzy, lightheaded is certainly an anxiety symptom. If you've been to Dr's and they found nothing physically wrong it might be prudent to ask them about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Possibly paired with an anxiety medication if needs be.

The key is to understanding the anxiety, the symptoms and how it's affecting you. The more udnerstanding you have the less likely you are to freak out when a symptom kicks in. Don't respond with emotions but rationalize the situation. Anxiety feeds off fear and worry, that's why it's key to try and remain as level headed as possible.


05-08-2013, 04:00 AM
Thank you for your reply. Been in and out of the doctors, had ecgs blood work the lot, everything seems fine. The whole derealization and depersonalization sounds about right to what I am experiencing. It's like I can touch my own leg but doesn't feel like it's mine if that makes sense? I did suffer from a lot of panic attacks at the start of this but don't get them any more, I am just left with this floating feeling. The doctor has gave me sertraline but I don't really want to take them. Just feels like this will be with me forever now. Allan

05-08-2013, 04:15 AM
I think the mind can only deal with so much stress and worry before it retreats from reality so to speak and you wind up feeling totally spaced out. As if the world is like a dream and none of your sense are functioning proiperly.

I too started with panic attacks first. It robs you of a sense of safety...within your own body. This is often terrifying and you spend hours worrying constantly. Within time all this stress and worry makes your body give out symptoms. Weird aches and pains etc from your fight or flight response going absolutely nuts. Excess of adrenlaine in the body and muscles. people get all sorts of pains, headache,s neck, arms, shoulders, chest, stomach etc etc.

This list goes to show how much anxiety can affect people:


It won't be with your forever though, your body wants to heal and return to its old self. Problem is that anxious people react with the opposite response the body needs to symptpoms. it needs rest to recover and heal we pile more worry and stress on when the symptoms start coming.

If you're not comfortable with the medication ask your doctor about cognitive behaviourla therapy. or if you're still in education see if your uni or college has a councillor available.


05-08-2013, 04:22 AM
Yeah I've had this about 5 years now. At the start i was really really bad. I couldn't even get out of bed. But I am 25 now, I still manage to get to work and battle through it. My first symptom was tachycardia, episodes my heart would just " click " into and got at about 190-200 bpm. Which was scary, didn't help at all then bang all the anxiety came after. It's weird how anxiety can affect you. I think i will ask him about the CBT. I would give anything to get my old self back again playing football and enjoying life. Even though i remember things away back from my childhood and in school and stuff and the way i was it still doesn't help me feel like my old self. It just freaks me out that i wouldn't get that back. But I am confident it can be done. Allan

05-08-2013, 04:30 AM
Same, I work too. It can be difficult. I know i'm not half as productive as I would be if I wans't having symptoms. CBT can be helpful. A book I read that might help is called A Life At Last by Paul Brian. Simply written and quit effective.
It can be done, alas theres no overnight cure and ti takes time to practice thinking rationally and not respondign to the anxiety with emotion etc.


05-08-2013, 04:33 AM
I will give that a look up. I agree if the symptoms were not there then I would be like a race horse at work. We will win in the end