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05-07-2013, 11:53 AM
Is anyone on here afraid of anything medical? Like the doctors, hospital, dentist? Anything where you associate with sickness? Because I avoid the places like the plague and am looking for support on how to get past this. It's so bad that I can't even take my children when they're sick - I get my husband to.

05-07-2013, 12:52 PM
I did it fine a long time.

I had a panic attack at the doctor so I would get real anxious and start to panic anytime I went there

It was only my GP though. Any other doctor and I was fine

I did the avoidance thing until the list got too long

I had limited places where I wouldn't be anxious

Got pretty sick of it. Learned more about my anxiety. Started going everywhere I could to have a panic attack. Would just stay there until it went away

The goal was to panic, not to go there and not panic

Anxiety started getting tired of getting its ass kicked on a daily basis and just left.

Gets real bored when you stop reacting.

05-07-2013, 01:51 PM
This is an amazing reply! You have actually cheered me up and given me hope that one day I might be strong enough to tell my panic attacks to f- off!
The list of my avoidance behaviour is getting longer and I'm getting sick of it, but the strange thing is that when I do actually have an attack it doesn't scare me that much anymore because I know what it is. The only thing that still has me quaking in my boots is the heavy-headedness and light-headedness. X

05-07-2013, 02:12 PM
This is an amazing reply! You have actually cheered me up and given me hope that one day I might be strong enough to tell my panic attacks to f- off!
The list of my avoidance behaviour is getting longer and I'm getting sick of it, but the strange thing is that when I do actually have an attack it doesn't scare me that much anymore because I know what it is. The only thing that still has me quaking in my boots is the heavy-headedness and light-headedness. X

If your panic attacks don't scare you so much anymore, the "one day I might be strong enough" is a day much closer than you think.

Panic happens because the fight or flight kicks in over something that's not scary.

You recognizing that its not that scary will make it give up. Just don't react.

I still get the adrenaline surge occasionally. Just doesn't do anything that I haven't seen 1000 times before.

I know how the story ends. Nothing happens. In no danger, just annoying.

My light headed feeling always came/comes from shallow breathing. I belly breathe and it goes away.

Maybe your heavy headed feeling is because you have a super big brain and you knew all along how to beat this disorder.

It wasn't until now that you decided to do exactly what you need to do when you have a panic attack........Nothing at all.