View Full Version : Help - Confused, frightened, Anxiety?

05-07-2013, 09:37 AM
Hey guys,

I'm new to this. I've always had a bit of stress under my belt being a artist and I recently got a job last year. I one night woke up last year, looking at my boyfriend and screamed in his face he said my eyes where full of fear he also screamed scared cause of me. Since then I haven't been the same. That night i freaked out over small noises I was that terrified. I was unsure if i experienced a panic attack then several mini ones he had to take me out. Lets just say I lost my breath and told him i needed a docter unable to get my breath. Since then I've changed. I'm not who i used to be. Nothing feels real to me. My docter said I have anxiety. My personality has changed to say the least and I over think things.

I recently keep having a occuring dream of me screaming and falling to the floor. Then lastnight i dreamt also screaming again as i turned and my boyfriend was in bed with a horrific looking clown beside him? Then after that i dreamt of screaming again. It's getting to me, i'm now terrified of clowns and looked at a picture online and almost felt panic over come me. I've never been scard of clowns...i also have had to sleep with the light on for a whole year now. :(