View Full Version : So glad I found this site

08-01-2007, 08:01 PM
Hi guys!

First of all, I'm so glad that I found this forum. After reading a few threats I've come to realise that there ARE people out there like me! I mean, obviously I knew there were, but they tend to be invisible in our happy happy world. Makes you feel very alone, and ashamed, because everyone else just seems to be coping gloriously.

I have been dealing with anxiety and depression on and off for about 8 years. Have initially been prescribed Zoloft, which I was taking for several months. It helped, I got off it and was doing more or less ok for a couple of years.

I'm in a not-so good phase at the moment, anxiety and depression wise. A relatively new thing for me are severe anxiety attacks, which at this stage are mostly triggered by alcohol hangovers. Even if I actually did not have that much to drink. Not fun at all. Looks like I have to give booze away completely for now. Those panic episodes have been my wake-up call to do something serious about my unhappiness.

I am not getting professional treatment at the moment, but I have self-prescribed myself St. Johns Wort tablets, which are said to be good. Have been taking them for about 3 weeks now, not sure yet if they're working or not. Other than that, I'm exploring cognitive behaviour therapy via reading and I have great plans for getting back into excercise and yoga, which I know will help. See how we go.

And I've found this forum :)
Thanks for reading!

08-02-2007, 02:11 AM
Hi Laluna,

Welcome to the forum! Yeap, you are not alone! As you have found out, alcohol is not too good for anxiety. I am also a sufferer of those hang over anxiety attacks too. Hope you manage to get things under control!

08-09-2007, 05:21 PM
I also have found that even after 1 Beer I will have anxiety the next day. All day long. Does anyone find that they get butterflies in their legs and really blurred vision prior to an attack????

j Hall
08-26-2007, 01:43 PM
its true i feel very anxious if i have been drinking the next day feel paranoid, under confident, Yet while having a drink feel confident.