View Full Version : Slight Relapse - a bit of assurance needed. Should I quit Alcohol?

05-07-2013, 04:00 AM

As the title suggests, I've hit a slight issue with my anxiety again.

For those that haven't clicked my profile to read previous posts, suffered really bad anxiety 3 years ago, prescribed 40 mg prozac per day, took 6 months to get over. Anxiety again last summer, took about a month to get over, dosage upped to 60 mg.

Been fine ever since, however 2 days worth of jagerbomb binging left me extremely hungover. In previous cases with how my anxiety started, a repeated disturbing thought left me in a horrible anxiety state - however this time it was a simple song/tune stuck in my head, which then turned to me thinking "please stop with the repeatitive thoughts". At this point I felt the anxiety creep up and ever since I'm constantly thinking about the thought of anxiety, and how long I can go without thinking about it. I then tried to drink through it the next few days to forget about it (which worked slightly) however yesterday I sobered up and I felt the anxiety and slight depression quite badly. Today I feel slightly better, the depressive thoughts are not there, but the obsessive thinking sits in the background still. This may sound like a silly problem, but the constant repetitive thought is annoying, frustrating, off putting, and slightly worrying as I dont want to go back to how Ive been before.

I'm left with a few questions and maybe some of you guys can help out.

1) Give it a week, let me sober up/hydrate and let the pills do its job?

2) Do I need to speak to the doctor again NOW?

3) Im gonna get a blatent NO on this question, but to the "rule breakers" out there: up my dosage over the next week just to give the meds a slight boost.

4) Tell me Im gonna be ok!

5) Maybe more importantly: My drinking. I love getting drunk, I love going crazy, however it dosent take a genius to realise that a huge part of my anxiety stems from drinking and possibly how much! Hangovers have gradually got worse, to the point the next day is a total right off (I can handle) but if the anxiety is gonna flare up randomly the day after, then perhaps I need to stop drinking? Cut down? Cut the Red Bull out?

05-07-2013, 04:12 AM
I stoppen caffein right away as it provokes my anxiety and tension, also i quit alcohol until i get my strength back, the hangovers lately were out of this world bad!

05-07-2013, 05:14 AM
Definitely quit the Alcohol it's a depressant and also increases anxiety! Good luck giving it up :-)

05-07-2013, 07:21 AM
Any stimulant like Red Bull will get you wired up, which is the point, and get your heart beating and BP up.

Thats why I love all that shit. I work hard, I coach, I have hobbies, and two lovely little bastards I affectionally refer to as "the death of me"

So you see, you take my caffeine? I take your life.

Alcohol works on the same part of the brain as benzos so it usually relieves anxiety.

I dont know your history to suggest if alcohol is a problem for you or you are just young and supposed to run around getting housed and being hungover.

Anything that takes us away from our normal state, like caffeine or alcholol, can cause us to start analyzing our bodies and when we feel a difference from "normal", we start to get anxious and we feel worse.

Knowing that fact is the reason why I can drink like a sailor and bounce off the walls with caffeine. I just accept what those things do to me.

Your dwelling and obsessing on thoughts, then wondering when you will stop is so normal.

Its just because youre anxious. It will stop when you realize its just that. ANxiety

Nothing more or less.

Have an irrational thought? Anxiety, not reality. Move on

WHatever choice you make regarding alcohol, I am sure it will be right for you.

So let me be the first to congratulate you for kicking the drinking habit, or my apologies that you are so hungover.