View Full Version : anxiety and feeling numb

05-06-2013, 09:23 PM
who gets this and who knows why? Im not depressed so i am not sure why this is happening. Its like I can feel the excitement in my brain and i know I should be excited about things but for some reason I just cant feel the excitements or happiness deep in the soul? Its weird. I'm not a sad person. I do have a bit OCD...but im confused...does anyone else suffer from this.

05-06-2013, 09:32 PM
It sounds like something is stopping you really enjoying things, so you might have some depression which is blocking the excitement and fun completely.
Perhaps you have something worrying you deep down which is stopping you really enjoy yourself - might be worth thinking back to see if anything is bothering you.
If you are lucky, it is just a phase and it will pass and you will be back to enjoying yourself properly, if not a phase and it goes on a while, it is worth talking to your doctor to access a psychologist to find out if something blocking your fun.

05-06-2013, 10:03 PM
It sounds like something is stopping you really enjoying things, so you might have some depression which is blocking the excitement and fun completely.
Perhaps you have something worrying you deep down which is stopping you really enjoy yourself - might be worth thinking back to see if anything is bothering you.
If you are lucky, it is just a phase and it will pass and you will be back to enjoying yourself properly, if not a phase and it goes on a while, it is worth talking to your doctor to access a psychologist to find out if something blocking your fun.

After some deep digging and thinking this is an example...

I have some pretty awesome stuff coming up. Im getting my teeth whitened, and currently I am starting to reduce my body fat and show off my 6 pack! Now when I think about that for some reason I get this thought "it doesnt matter, its not going to fix anything and when you are at your goal things will still be bad" I never felt like this before anxiety struck me a year ago. This started happening recently and nothing shocking happened. Any tips? I dont think its depression because I can go out with friends and actually be happy and laugh and stuff and have fun. It happens when im alone...its a bummer. Do you think it could pass on its own?

05-06-2013, 10:05 PM
or it may be that my nerves are possibly on edge that they just stopped giving me "feeling" this happened when I was really anxious one day and was on the verge of a panic attack.

05-06-2013, 10:21 PM
or it may be that my nerves are possibly on edge that they just stopped giving me "feeling" this happened when I was really anxious one day and was on the verge of a panic attack.

Yes, you could be right and it was just a feeling when you were getting anxious one day.

But what you have described is all about your appearance, as if your appearance is something important to you deep down. Perhaps somewhere in your past you have felt put down because of the way you look, or your fitness, and you have an underlying wish to look different or be fitter.
However, even if you achieve being fitter, it might not make any difference because it sounds as if you are enjoying life even with this feeling.

So time to decide whether to continue to probe this feeling which is blocking something, or leave it alone, accept it as something in your past, and live life as happy as you seem to be.

I would only open yourself to any past bad thoughts or feelings if it is necessary, if you think life is OK, and it could just be anxiety occasionally, then go on as you are and enjoy your life.

05-06-2013, 10:37 PM
Yes, you could be right and it was just a feeling when you were getting anxious one day.

But what you have described is all about your appearance, as if your appearance is something important to you deep down. Perhaps somewhere in your past you have felt put down because of the way you look, or your fitness, and you have an underlying wish to look different or be fitter.
However, even if you achieve being fitter, it might not make any difference because it sounds as if you are enjoying life even with this feeling.

So time to decide whether to continue to probe this feeling which is blocking something, or leave it alone, accept it as something in your past, and live life as happy as you seem to be.

I would only open yourself to any past bad thoughts or feelings if it is necessary, if you think life is OK, and it could just be anxiety occasionally, then go on as you are and enjoy your life.

Hey thanks Lin! The thing is though its not just about my appearance its also about things I have coming up. Like my trip to disney world for example. If I have a random thought about it and me having fun the same thing pops in my head "what if it doesnt fix your anxiety problem, you will still have anxiety when there" then the thought immediately goes away..this is starting to sound behavioral? Its kind of like im blocking the thoughts out from happening in my mind sort of when I get that thought instead of thinking through them.

05-06-2013, 10:51 PM
If you still have fun at disney world by having blocked the anxiety beforehand, then that is great because you can enjoy yourself.
Only when you can't block the anxiety, and it ruins your fun, should you start to worry about it.
Anxiety itself is usually about an irrational fear, so if you are blocking it and having fun, then you are doing something right to be able to block it and have fun, so you should continue, accept the anxiety fear briefly before you do something, get over it, and have fun.
Sounds to me like you have your anxiety under control if you can worry about it but then get over it and carry on with life and have fun - lots of people would love to be able to put anxiety aside and control it like you seem to be able to.