View Full Version : Over analyzing how I feel

05-06-2013, 04:27 PM
I have been fine for three weeks with almost no anxiety symptoms and then for the last two days I just haven't felt right again. Sometimes I'm constantly overanalyzing how I feel and I think that adds to my anxiety. I'll be sitting there concentrating on how I feel that a few minutes goes by and I'm thinking how do I feel now? And then a few more minutes goes by, how do I feel now? After little while, how my feeling right now? And I'm constantly constantly thinking about how I feel, how my body feels, how my vision feels, how any weird aches and pains I have are feeling. For example today, I have spent the majority of the day analyzing everything from turning my head to get a knife to cut the salad to thinking how my brain is feeling in my eyes are feeling when I turn my head back To the salad. Sometimes I'm even conscious of every step I take and making sure I don't feel dizzy, or concentrate walking straight, or how does my vision feel when I'm walking.
This just sucks lately. For the last three weeks, I've had almost 0 contact with my 18-year-old son who drinks and does drugs and is currently living with my brother because I can't trust him in my home. Then he sent me a text message on Friday asking me for money and I saw him on Saturday and I feel like I've been a wreck ever since. He's not safe to be around, my husband four other children that age from 15 down to three years old. It sucks when your anxiety comes from somebody that you love. LOL, don't get me wrong I have anxiety over 1 million other things, health anxiety dental anxiety you name it I'm always a mess over it but I felt like I was doing well with my therapy and yoga classes for the last three weeks and then this happens.

My main question is, does anybody else over analyze their entire body for an entire day and then some?

05-06-2013, 05:21 PM
To answer your question - yes.

That was one of my biggest issues. I spent so much time analyzing my thoughts that I would make my self sick to my stomach.

That is how I kept my anxiety alive and well. I could never turn my mind off.

With most symptoms that I had, once I realized it was an anxiety symptom, they stopped

Your anxiety is causing you to constantly monitor your thoughts.

Stop giving it so much credit

05-06-2013, 05:38 PM
Thanks. It's awesome having a community like this! When I'm surrounded by family or out with friends I am "generally" fine (anxiety fine) but it seems the second I'm alone..,BAM! Horrid feelings and then it carries with me!

05-06-2013, 07:48 PM
I know how you feel. Here lately I have been doing the same thing. Over analyzing every part of my body just about. First it was the hot feeling over my foot and then my feet turning red and then the side of my stomach. It just goes on and on lol.

05-06-2013, 08:09 PM
It is really easy to spend time trying to find the reason behind your symptoms, and it gets worse the more you think about it.

Sad that your son is causing you so many problems and that is not helping you at all.

Have you tried doing something to relax - my psychiatrist recommended meditation, and I have found it really good. I go to a christian meditation group and a buddhist meditation group - the teachings at both are really good, and the meditations are different one guided, one silent - but both groups give me something either in their teachings, meditations, or in the people I have met and made friends with there. If you struggle to find head space during the day on your own to meditate, going to a group ensures you get head space which is briliiant. Even just 5 minutes of head space from meditation a day can help to keep you calmer and more relaxed about your symptoms, and your life in general.

05-06-2013, 11:16 PM
I have been fine for three weeks with almost no anxiety symptoms and then for the last two days I just haven't felt right again. Sometimes I'm constantly overanalyzing how I feel and I think that adds to my anxiety. I'll be sitting there concentrating on how I feel that a few minutes goes by and I'm thinking how do I feel now? And then a few more minutes goes by, how do I feel now? After little while, how my feeling right now? And I'm constantly constantly thinking about how I feel, how my body feels, how my vision feels, how any weird aches and pains I have are feeling. For example today, I have spent the majority of the day analyzing everything from turning my head to get a knife to cut the salad to thinking how my brain is feeling in my eyes are feeling when I turn my head back To the salad. Sometimes I'm even conscious of every step I take and making sure I don't feel dizzy, or concentrate walking straight, or how does my vision feel when I'm walking.
This just sucks lately. For the last three weeks, I've had almost 0 contact with my 18-year-old son who drinks and does drugs and is currently living with my brother because I can't trust him in my home. Then he sent me a text message on Friday asking me for money and I saw him on Saturday and I feel like I've been a wreck ever since. He's not safe to be around, my husband four other children that age from 15 down to three years old. It sucks when your anxiety comes from somebody that you love. LOL, don't get me wrong I have anxiety over 1 million other things, health anxiety dental anxiety you name it I'm always a mess over it but I felt like I was doing well with my therapy and yoga classes for the last three weeks and then this happens.

My main question is, does anybody else over analyze their entire body for an entire day and then some?

This is me to a t!!! I analyse everything my body feels. I can hardly think about anything other than how I am feeling. Every little thing I sense I panic over.. I too worry about my vision. I also get these weird head symptoms, hard to describe but it's like a 2 second brain shake or something. Makes me feel like I'm about to pass out but I never have and I've had these feelings for 12 months now.

I wish so much I could stop focusing on every single bodily sensation!!!! It does my head in

05-06-2013, 11:29 PM
I Do the same thing. I have been doing it all night. I am constantly thinking something is wrong with me. ... that something bad is going to happen. I can't shut my mind of at times.

05-07-2013, 12:35 AM
I Do the same thing. I have been doing it all night. I am constantly thinking something is wrong with me. ... that something bad is going to happen. I can't shut my mind of at times.

Yea, I started doing this big time about six months ago and it has really thrown me for a loop. I don't know if there is some underlying health condition causing my symptoms but if so, the doctors have not found it, and im still looking at tests in the future. But I can guarantee whether there is something wrong physically or not, constant worrying will make things worse, if only for the mind.

I'm only now starting to realise this and it may take a long time to get my body to stop "fight or flighting". It's a nasty habit that doesn't come overnight, so if it is new to you, you've GOT to get it in check.

anyone here can PM me if you want to talk, I'm here as much as I can be.

God Bless

05-07-2013, 01:11 AM
Yea, I started doing this big time about six months ago and it has really thrown me for a loop. I don't know if there is some underlying health condition causing my symptoms but if so, the doctors have not found it, and im still looking at tests in the future. But I can guarantee whether there is something wrong physically or not, constant worrying will make things worse, if only for the mind.

I'm only now starting to realise this and it may take a long time to get my body to stop "fight or flighting". It's a nasty habit that doesn't come overnight, so if it is new to you, you've GOT to get it in check.

anyone here can PM me if you want to talk, I'm here as much as I can be.

God Bless

What symptoms do you have??

05-07-2013, 03:51 AM
My health anxiety is worst of all. I always think every feeling is some sort of impending doom/death. It totally sucks. And calling my do for? That just makes me cry more. I'm terrified to go thinking he's going to confirm that I'm so k or dying. I'm terrified to leave my children behind. Terrified to leave my husband behind. And terrified for life to go on without me. I go to counseling every 2 weeks and she's great with me but I can't turn my mind off most of the time. Again I was great for 3 weeks straight and now I have a mole I want the dr to. He k out but terrified to even call him. I hate this. Hate it!!! Now that'sl I seem to fixate on.

05-07-2013, 04:21 AM
Yeah have the same thing, especially focused on heart. Ive had so many symptoms through out the years, some times i think if this all was real i wouldn't be here anymore. Im 22 years and struggling for 5 years.

05-07-2013, 04:28 AM
My health anxiety is worst of all. I always think every feeling is some sort of impending doom/death. It totally sucks. And calling my do for? That just makes me cry more. I'm terrified to go thinking he's going to confirm that I'm so k or dying. I'm terrified to leave my children behind. Terrified to leave my husband behind. And terrified for life to go on without me. I go to counseling every 2 weeks and she's great with me but I can't turn my mind off most of the time. Again I was great for 3 weeks straight and now I have a mole I want the dr to. He k out but terrified to even call him. I hate this. Hate it!!! Now that'sl I seem to fixate on.

Yeah I have bad health anxiety also.

I have lots of dizziness and feeling faint with my anxiety so I constantly worry something is wrong with my brain and I might drop dead any moment! It sucks

05-07-2013, 05:40 PM
My health anxiety is worst of all. I always think every feeling is some sort of impending doom/death. It totally sucks. And calling my do for? That just makes me cry more. I'm terrified to go thinking he's going to confirm that I'm so k or dying. I'm terrified to leave my children behind. Terrified to leave my husband behind. And terrified for life to go on without me. I go to counseling every 2 weeks and she's great with me but I can't turn my mind off most of the time. Again I was great for 3 weeks straight and now I have a mole I want the dr to. He k out but terrified to even call him. I hate this. Hate it!!! Now that'sl I seem to fixate on.

How are you going??

05-07-2013, 07:16 PM
I have Appt with dermotologist on Thursday. I entrusted a nurse friend who understands my fears and I can freely cry to with no judgements. She said its not an ordinary mole and should be looked at but she assured me not to be worried but it should come off. I'm fine going but know once I walk in ill be crying as soon as the dr walks in. I'm sure they are used to people like me or so they tell me lol. But honestly talking open to my nurse friend today made me feel better. It's like I Need a buffer doctor before the real doctor LoL. Doing well tonight though. Making the dr call is the toughest. Il be good on and off tomorrow but a wreck Thursday. Again....others have total health anxiety right??? Like not just fear of crowds or public or fear of being Alone but All out fears of dying or leaving others behind or the act of dying. Ughhhhbbb

05-07-2013, 07:23 PM
I have Appt with dermotologist on Thursday. I entrusted a nurse friend who understands my fears and I can freely cry to with no judgements. She said its not an ordinary mole and should be looked at but she assured me not to be worried but it should come off. I'm fine going but know once I walk in ill be crying as soon as the dr walks in. I'm sure they are used to people like me or so they tell me lol. But honestly talking open to my nurse friend today made me feel better. It's like I Need a buffer doctor before the real doctor LoL. Doing well tonight though. Making the dr call is the toughest. Il be good on and off tomorrow but a wreck Thursday. Again....others have total health anxiety right??? Like not just fear of crowds or public or fear of being Alone but All out fears of dying or leaving others behind or the act of dying. Ughhhhbbb

Yes I have those fears caused by my anxiety symptoms. I get weird head sensations and feel like I'm going to fall over when walking. Never have... But I'm scared I eventually will pass out from feeling faint.. It's awful.

I too constantly think about how I am feeling and worry about every sensation I have

05-07-2013, 07:33 PM
You're not alone. Seriously. Everything you said, I've said before.

I have also worried tremendously about skin cancer. Please please don't worry. If I can offer any assurance, it's what my dermatologist told me. If its not bleeding on its own, painful..you'll be ok! It's when melanoma is at that point that it becomes a serious issue. I had to have a mole removed and biopsied. I'm fretted, worried myself sick, and it ended up being nothing. Her words really helped me. Now I just need to have my yearly skin checks.

I even made my husband go in to a derm. He didn't want to, but I made the appt for him anyway. He had to have 4 removed. All of them looked abnormal, and ALL of them were benign.

Not only do I suffer from health anxiety, I'm also a very superstitious person. If I hear it, or think it, then it's gonna happen. I hate that....:(

05-07-2013, 07:33 PM
Rhar....I have yet to fall over too. I get head zaps on the left side about 2 inches back from the top of my ear when I'm super anxious.

05-07-2013, 07:41 PM
You're not alone. Seriously. Everything you said, I've said before.

I have also worried tremendously about skin cancer. Please please don't worry. If I can offer any assurance, it's what my dermatologist told me. If its not bleeding on its own, painful..you'll be ok! It's when melanoma is at that point that it becomes a serious issue. I had to have a mole removed and biopsied. I'm fretted, worried myself sick, and it ended up being nothing. Her words really helped me. Now I just need to have my yearly skin checks.

I even made my husband go in to a derm. He didn't want to, but I made the appt for him anyway. He had to have 4 removed. All of them looked abnormal, and ALL of them were benign.

Not only do I suffer from health anxiety, I'm also a very superstitious person. If I hear it, or think it, then it's gonna happen. I hate that....:(

Omg defmunel....me too. I think it then its got to happen eventually right? The spot I'm having looked that is not sore but if I push on it or pull on it it's a little tender but I wonder if that's because I got a sunburn over the weekend at a softball game and the whole's arm itself is tender. Either way. I will never ever go without sunscreen again! No more tanning..,nothing. I tanned in a tanning bed over the winter about ten times because I was suffering from seasonal anxiety because here in NY we have long winters and just needed some sun light. I pray to God this is nothing and pray if it is a cancer of some sort that its one of the two benign kinds that are very common. My bus and tells me all the time not to worry. I wish I ere more like him. His lever of tolerance with me at times like this is simply amazing. He listens to me...doesn't understand it...but always listens.

05-07-2013, 07:44 PM
But it's not bleeding and it's not painful on its own. But I can't stop touching it or inspecting it. It's the size of 1/2 a pencil eraser. Probs be best if I left it alone but we sufferers know that's not going to happen. Lol

05-07-2013, 07:48 PM
Rhar....I have yet to fall over too. I get head zaps on the left side about 2 inches back from the top of my ear when I'm super anxious.

Yep I get zaps too and I also get weird vision shakes which make my stomach sink then panic sets in!!

I also have had times when I've been at the shops and feel like I can't even walk... It's an awful feeling

05-07-2013, 11:41 PM
Hi Shells
Sorry to hear of your problems, there must be a reason we have kids and get married, but sometimes.... :) Wouldn't change it though!
I have something to different to you, with all the same results and the terror and dread. I don't analyse my body, more the minds of my loved ones. My wife falling asleep in my mind becomes the ultimate abandonment, a selfish act which leaves me alone and scared. My mum and dad not calling means they don't care anymore and if someone even turns up late for a business meeting, it must be because they know how evil and nasty and horrible I must be... Maybe the constant headaches and my problems with diabetes have been separated and I just moan about them, I don't get anxious!
Yet to find an instant cure, but if i can get myself away into a safe corner of the house, get on some good music or familiar old tv show I have learnt to calm myself down over an hour or so, and realise I am not a monster, its just 2 in the morning and other people are allowed to sleep!
I have just stumbled across this forum, and wanted to thank you for sharing your story. It helps to find that other people are as "differently sane" as me! Thanks

05-08-2013, 04:21 AM
Hi Shells
Sorry to hear of your problems, there must be a reason we have kids and get married, but sometimes.... :) Wouldn't change it though!
I have something to different to you, with all the same results and the terror and dread. I don't analyse my body, more the minds of my loved ones. My wife falling asleep in my mind becomes the ultimate abandonment, a selfish act which leaves me alone and scared. My mum and dad not calling means they don't care anymore and if someone even turns up late for a business meeting, it must be because they know how evil and nasty and horrible I must be... Maybe the constant headaches and my problems with diabetes have been separated and I just moan about them, I don't get anxious!
Yet to find an instant cure, but if i can get myself away into a safe corner of the house, get on some good music or familiar old tv show I have learnt to calm myself down over an hour or so, and realise I am not a monster, its just 2 in the morning and other people are allowed to sleep!
I have just stumbled across this forum, and wanted to thank you for sharing your story. It helps to find that other people are as "differently sane" as me! Thanks

Hey dnouk...
I mind read all the time here. I always think if someone's quiet, hasn't called me, doesn't answer my text messages, that I must have done something to make them mad and I obsess over it. Always read my husbands mind and take his tones as he's mad. The thing is...he's not that kind of person at all. After years of bad and abusive relationships, he is a Godsend. But I'm always thinking there's more to what someone tells me and I analyze their words and wonder what someone really means. I hate worrying about how others feel all the time but its all I do. And the. Obsess over myself lol. Vicious cycle we live

05-11-2013, 07:59 AM
You're not alone. Seriously. Everything you said, I've said before.

I have also worried tremendously about skin cancer. Please please don't worry. If I can offer any assurance, it's what my dermatologist told me. If its not bleeding on its own, painful..you'll be ok! It's when melanoma is at that point that it becomes a serious issue. I had to have a mole removed and biopsied. I'm fretted, worried myself sick, and it ended up being nothing. Her words really helped me. Now I just need to have my yearly skin checks.

I even made my husband go in to a derm. He didn't want to, but I made the appt for him anyway. He had to have 4 removed. All of them looked abnormal, and ALL of them were benign.

Not only do I suffer from health anxiety, I'm also a very superstitious person. If I hear it, or think it, then it's gonna happen. I hate that....:(

Just thought I'd let you know that the dermatologist said she's almost 100% sure it's a keratosis which is a 100% benign growth that's hereditary. She took it off and was sending for pathology to ease my mind. I have a small scab and she wants me back in 3 weeks to Che k the healing. I was a mess in the office. Sobbing because I was so scared. She was awesome. I will never ever tan again. I will never be in the sun without sunscreen Again. I was truly very scared. Still a little nervous about the pathology but she seemed quite. Confident. Thank you all for listening.

05-11-2013, 11:29 PM
That's great news! Hope you are feeling a little calmer about it now..

How are you feeling otherwise? Still having daily anxiety symptoms?

05-12-2013, 03:40 AM
Good news! Well done for going and getting it checked

05-12-2013, 05:19 AM
That's great news! Hope you are feeling a little calmer about it now..

How are you feeling otherwise? Still having daily anxiety symptoms?

Doing well right now. It's a battle. I seem to ave consecutive good days or consecutive bad days. Currently on good days!!! <3