View Full Version : Scared

05-05-2013, 10:16 AM
I'm new to this site, and I have been dealing with a lot of anxiety. I used to be able to be normal with people in conversation but now I have nothing to say. I don't talk as much as I used to. I can't think clearly either. I feel weird, and different from everyone else. I feel like a loser because I can barely keep a conversation. I'm always so quiet and I just want this to end. I'm scared that this won't ever end.

05-05-2013, 10:57 AM
I'm also new here. I don't have much advice (hopefully you can get that from somebody else) but let me tell you that you are in no way weird or different from other people and you are most certainly not a loser.

With the right techniques and the right people you'll be able to manage your anxiety.

05-05-2013, 01:09 PM
Welcome both of you. I'm new here but not to anxiety. It is everywhere. Some is good and some is bad.
I can suggest a couple of books. One is the power within. It's by tony Robbins. And the other is learn to relax. They are very informative.
Some people don't understand how it feels to be standing there and talking and all of a sudden boom. Heart rate increases and you start sweating. You shake and feel as if your legs won't carry you.
The only advice I can give is to breathe. When it starts up breathe. Drop everything in your mind and just focus on your breathing. You will have to count so you don't hyperventilate.
Welcome and it will get better

05-05-2013, 04:36 PM
You are stating the classic reason anxiety keeps its grip on so many people

You are afraid that it will never end

If you dwell on the fact that you dont believe it will ever stop, you continue to feel worried and stress which causes the anxiety do fester

Taking control of your life and refusing to let anxiety dictate how you are going to think and live is the key to healing

So many people have overcome this just with a change of thinking

Understanding and believing that the reason you feel bad is that your anxiety symptoms are making you uncomfortable

Just turn in down a notch with the worry. It does end

Everyone who is over this disorder also thought it would never end at one time

They changed their mind and they healed

Anxiety is just a pain in the ass. Kinda like your mother in law

Neither goes away. You just change how you view them.