View Full Version : Curiousity

05-04-2013, 11:10 AM
Do you think that anxiety is caused by an over load of stimulation. Every where we go there is wiifi and other electronic wiring. This increases the emf field in the air in which we come in contact with everyday. There are so many apps and different computer programs. Everyone seems to have a cell phone, iPad, or laptop.

05-04-2013, 01:23 PM
Anxiety has been with mankind since recorded history. Our fastpaced world does aggravte it IMHO..Alankay

05-05-2013, 05:38 AM
I agree with Alankay. We just have easier access to information about anxiety and other people suffering nowadays. Staring at screens or being ain a fast paced lifestyle certainly might not help. I think the biggest offender is the internet though. All too often anxious people will fixxxate on googling every symptom under the sun and you can wind up obsessing over it and making yoruself feel worse with overburdening yourself with additional fears and worries about diseases and conditions we're highly unlikely to have.
