View Full Version : Really scared

05-04-2013, 09:34 AM
Hey, when I woke up this morning my chest hurt a little. Whenever I breathe in my chest hurts. The pain radiates from my jaw to my throat and my upper back. I feel like I have really bad sinuses because I have post nasal drip and my head hurts. But I am not going on the Internet because I don't research my symptoms anymore, it scares me even more.
- chest hurts when breathing in
- throat hurts
- pinching like pain in upper back area( maybe gas idk)
- watery eyes, runny nose, sinus pressure around side of cheeks rear ear.
So yeah if anyone might have the slightest clue it will really help. I might end up going to care now if it becomes unbearable. I am a 22 year old female, fairly active and eat fairly healthy.
Thank you :)

05-04-2013, 12:25 PM
Sounds like it could be a cold or allergies

05-04-2013, 02:20 PM
I can relate to the previous incident I had last September which started with back pain at the top of the right hand side
Pain in my chest (on the right) when I deep breath shortness of breath racing heart and pain under my rib cage(on the right)
I thought it was nothing but It didn't go anywhere it was constant even with the pain killers
So I had a chest X-ray and it was a collapsed lung
I m not telling you this to freak you out it could be nothing worrying
But there s nothing to loose if you get it check out

05-04-2013, 05:12 PM
My first thought was allergies, too. Have you ever had issues with allergies? Try taking benadryl or some other over the counter allergy med. If that doesn't work, you know your body, if you feel like you really need to, then go to the doctor.

05-05-2013, 05:36 AM
This might provide some relief:


We're often hypersensitive to every little ache and pain or symptom. This can get our mind racing at 100 mph and before we know it our fear and worries our making the symptoms worse. Remember to keep yoruself pre-occupied. If pains or symptoms lessen when fully engaged or they come and go and vary all over your body then it's highly unlikely it's anything other than anxiety.


05-08-2013, 08:39 PM
Hey y'all! Thanks for all the comments! Yeah I have pretty bad sinuses so I am guessing that is what I had. I am a lot better now. Weird though, the day I wasn't feeling well I went to bed early slept all night and the chest/rib pain was gone! Sleep is good!