View Full Version : Clubbing and Anxiety

05-04-2013, 09:21 AM
Does anyone, that ever goes out with friends to a bar or club, have some kind of ritual they go through before going out? I'm supposed to be going out tonight, first time in a while to be honest, now I find myself a little excited about it, listening to music etc and it's got me wondering whether us anxiety sufferers sometimes confuse different emotions with anxiety itself? Like we get s used to feeling panicky etc, that any feeling/emotion that isn't normal we equate straight to anxiety and that in turn makes us anxious? Not sure if this makes sense. Also considering whether to take my 2mg Diazepam before I go(If I don't drink) or to try and have a little drink. Anyway if anyone has any advise or just experience with going out etc I would love to hear it.

In a dream world I want to go out, have a little drink, com home, take my nightly 15mg mirtazipine and go to sleep, but don't know if this will be ok or not.

05-04-2013, 11:13 AM
Sometimes I sit and imagine myself in a movie theatre and on the screen is my plans playing out. Having fun. Dancing. And keep getting closer to the screen until I am that moving picture. It seems to help. I don't drink because all of my major attacks happen after drinking.

05-04-2013, 11:42 AM
Sometimes I sit and imagine myself in a movie theatre and on the screen is my plans playing out. Having fun. Dancing. And keep getting closer to the screen until I am that moving picture. It seems to help. I don't drink because all of my major attacks happen after drinking.

Hey thanks for the reply, will give i a go tonight :) , although not imagining a cinema because they're one of my worst places to be lol :D

05-04-2013, 11:51 AM
I've still been going out - I try not to let my anxiety get in the way of me living life, and having fun; of course, easier said than done. It's tough though, when you're used to going out, having fun, drinking, etc; then anxiety and panic attacks enter your life - it really is life changing. I still try to do things and maintain that sense of "normalcy" - I noticed myself thinking back to when things were "normal" and it got very depressing; so I've been trying my hardest to refuse to let anxiety absolutely control every action and move.

I still drink - not crazy drunk, but I still try to have fun. I take Ativan, but I try to limit it to very small doses. The most I take lately is .5mg in a 24 hour period.

You'll pull through - keep your head up : )

05-04-2013, 12:24 PM
I've still been going out - I try not to let my anxiety get in the way of me living life, and having fun; of course, easier said than done. It's tough though, when you're used to going out, having fun, drinking, etc; then anxiety and panic attacks enter your life - it really is life changing. I still try to do things and maintain that sense of "normalcy" - I noticed myself thinking back to when things were "normal" and it got very depressing; so I've been trying my hardest to refuse to let anxiety absolutely control every action and move.

I still drink - not crazy drunk, but I still try to have fun. I take Ativan, but I try to limit it to very small doses. The most I take lately is .5mg in a 24 hour period.

You'll pull through - keep your head up : )

Can empathize with that to a degree, though it's kind of the opposite for me, not going out has become normality, so when I go to do some things it feels like I'm a baby seeing for the first time if that makes sense at all, I'm tryin to teach myself to just not care about the outcome of things and to just go with the flow! Ahh it's hard though but you have to fight it! And I don't know I find talking to people with similar thing so reassuring it's weird aha!

Not taking Diazepam before hand and going to have a little drink and try and enjoy myself, will have dr bachs rescue remedy with me anyway which is amazing I find.

05-04-2013, 12:26 PM
Alcohol affects the same part of the brain as benzos

If you have one, you usually don't need the other.

05-05-2013, 05:42 AM
Best to devote as little time as possible to overthinking the situation. That can make you wound up and anxious before even leaving the house. Don't focus on the "what if's". If a situation makes you anxious you should try and expose yoruself to it more and realize more and more that it's no place/situations fault for anxiety and panic. it's just our heightened sensitivity to symptoms/places/fears etc that tend to cause our anxiety or panic attacks. If we keep ourselves busy with work, socializing etc then the anxiety has less and less fear and worry to feed off of. SOme people truly fear being outside in the public, but in all honesty an anxiety attack could occur just as easily at home, in your safe haven as it could when you're outside.

Distraction can really help though. If I feel anxiety symptoms coming along I bust get my girlfriend to tickle me. I'm probably the most ticklish person ever and with all the flailing about and laughing the symptoms disappear pretty fast. If symptoms come on don't fear losing control. Take control by doing something positive to get yourself out of the hole anxiety puts us in. Practicing safety behaviour only hinders recovery form anxiety. Being able to calm yourself down when you feel anxxiety taking over starts to empower you and you that you are the one in control and not the anxiety. By not responding with emotions (whether good or bad) but rationalizing anxiety.


05-05-2013, 07:56 AM
Omg well said