View Full Version : Quick question

05-04-2013, 02:34 AM
I'm not anxious or stressed etc and in a pretty good place at the mo ( as in , panic attacks are few ) so " yes " still live with boundaries but I'm living ....
My question is ... Does anyone get annoyed by noise ? I was sitting down last night and tv was on and my friend was talking and it all was getting to me and I just wanted to scream and tell her to stop talking ( I've had this b4 , but this is stil a new thing to me )

05-04-2013, 03:21 AM
I'm not anxious or stressed etc and in a pretty good place at the mo ( as in , panic attacks are few ) so " yes " still live with boundaries but I'm living ....
My question is ... Does anyone get annoyed by noise ? I was sitting down last night and tv was on and my friend was talking and it all was getting to me and I just wanted to scream and tell her to stop talking ( I've had this b4 , but this is stil a new thing to me )

I'm like that all the time also :-( can't even cope with loud music any more it sucks big time! I also get very angry with any noise. Hope you're well other than that.... Take care!! Beverley

05-04-2013, 07:00 AM
Yes, I am a quiet person by nature, and when there's a lot going on around me and too much noise I start to get grouchy, wish everyone would shut up or I wanna leave the room, but can't for whatever reason, so i grin and bare it. I prefer peace and quiet, my brother in law for example is the polar opposite of me, a total chatterbox, loud, loves being center of attention and sometimes if I'm around him for too long my anxiety goes through the roof! Lol I love him but sometimes he's too much. Just another one of those things that's a trigger for me I guess.