View Full Version : Trying to sleep/nap

05-03-2013, 05:49 PM
Does anyone else feel they get startled when they try sleeping. Even though there is no noise or anything to startle you? Like youre just closing your eyes but after awhile you twitch like you were startled ? It happens to me whenever I try to sleep and it leaves me with a bit of fear that goes away quickly. Usually I can fall asleep but I need to be very very sleepy to the point where my eyes are too heavy to keep open.

05-03-2013, 06:39 PM
I get similar I suppose

I still wake up in a panic attack and I can tell it was happening for a few moments before I woke up

Weird thing is, when I wake up I realize its just a panic attack so it stops

05-03-2013, 06:58 PM
I get similar I suppose

I still wake up in a panic attack and I can tell it was happening for a few moments before I woke up

Weird thing is, when I wake up I realize its just a panic attack so it stops

Well i never wake up in a panic attack and I'm not exactly asleep when this happens. It happens just as im drifting into sleep. I get a quick "jerk" and it keeps me up.

05-03-2013, 08:03 PM
I wake up with the quick jerk as well. Assuming its just another anxiety thing

05-03-2013, 09:17 PM
I wake up with the quick jerk as well. Assuming its just another anxiety thing

It is. I found out it can be caused by irregular sleeping patterns. Falling asleep in an awkward position. Anxiety and stress cause it to. It's normal for anyone to experience it. The feeling can make you anxious about falling asleep, which happens to me and is why I feel a bit more anxious towards the night when I'm going to bed.

05-03-2013, 09:48 PM
Yes I have has attacks wake me up... So sucks. Wine, chamomile tea and/ or a Benzo usually gets me back to sleep. Catnip is also a Natural sleep aide... Can be smoked or made into tea. I tried smoking chamomile too.. Eh why not and it helped a bit. Pot aggravates my anxiety mostly so I steer clear. Wine... Is my friend. Yes my vice.

05-03-2013, 10:08 PM
Yes I have has attacks wake me up... So sucks. Wine, chamomile tea and/ or a Benzo usually gets me back to sleep. Catnip is also a Natural sleep aide... Can be smoked or made into tea. I tried smoking chamomile too.. Eh why not and it helped a bit. Pot aggravates my anxiety mostly so I steer clear. Wine... Is my friend. Yes my vice.

I just bought a vape pen and I heard they make e-juice with melatonin extract so I might try that

05-03-2013, 10:31 PM
This happens to me as well as well and like NixonRulz I too recognize it as Panic and can dismiss it. Seasoned perhaps ? These are actually sometimes called " Night Terrors " and children often suffer from these. Just take some deep breaths to relax, as you have probably hyperventilated a bit,again your body taking care of you. It wakes you up to regulate breathing.Deep breathing before you go to sleep will help prevent this. Nighttime Panic Attacks are tough because you are asleep when it happens and it's hard to accept that it was just your mind that scared you and not some horrific outside force...same old ...same old. You're good !

05-03-2013, 10:40 PM
Watch the melatonin, your body naturally produces this, latest studies suggest that supplementing with Melatonin is disrupting your body's ability to produce. Yes Pot has been known to bring on a full blown Panic Disorder in some. Cat Nip ? Really are you feline ? Calcium is a natural sleep aid and relaxes muscle twitches that sometimes accompany anxiety and. chamomile is good. Also try a warm glass of milk with a teaspoon of vanilla and stevia ( a natural sugar free supplement) an App on your Iphone such as Relax next to your ear and deep breathe. All's good ! Not sure about smoking Cat Night, but cats swear by it lol.

05-03-2013, 10:43 PM
It is. I found out it can be caused by irregular sleeping patterns. Falling asleep in an awkward position. Anxiety and stress cause it to. It's normal for anyone to experience it. The feeling can make you anxious about falling asleep, which happens to me and is why I feel a bit more anxious towards the night when I'm going to bed.

Yeah that all makes sense. So done with anxiety!

05-04-2013, 06:53 AM
That sudden leg kick or arm jerk you might get is totally normal. I get that even when I'm not anxious, my husband does it a lot too. It's a normal thing your body does to see if you're asleep, or something like that, before you go into REM sleep. I'm probably not 100% right, don't quote me on it lol but it happens to everyone.