View Full Version : Does anyone ever feel "spaced out?" "Detached "?

05-03-2013, 04:30 PM
It's rare but I sometimes get a weird feeling like I'm not all there. I'm aware of what's going on but i don't feel like myself . I suffer from anxiety badly and constantly and I've looked up the symptoms and one of them is "feeling detached from reality, dreamlike state" and that's the only and best way I can describe this feeling. Has anyone else ever felt that ?

05-03-2013, 05:28 PM
For me, because I've been in a funk for 2 months now, I don't feel normal or feel like myself, almost like a different person... Because I know there's just something not normal. I don't know, its hard to explain.. but yeah I can relate to that. I feel like I'm just trying to make it through every day.. and the days are just going by like meaningless.. like I'm stuck while the world around me continues on I guess. I don't think im depressed, just feel weird in my own body. I don't know if that's anything like what you're talking about..

05-03-2013, 06:48 PM
Depersonalization is very common. I used to feel like I was completely outside of my body

It sucked and Im glad its over

But yes, part of good ol anxiety

05-03-2013, 09:21 PM
should this symptom go away when anxiety improves?

05-03-2013, 09:30 PM
Absolutely disappears.

05-03-2013, 09:58 PM
NixonRulz, I wrote a lengthy post but I believe cyberspace grabbed it. No, I am not a Dr. ( Pseudo or othrwise)perhaps just a lot of history.Like you I know this disorder. When I post on a subject I come from a place of personal experience. On this Forum or anywhere if I haven't lived it, I won't speak it. I have thoroughly educated myself on Anxiety/ Depression, but more importantly I've lived it. Depersonalization was rough !!! But I think the blindness and tunnel vision really got me.." Oh God, Memories like the corners of my mind, Mystery Water Colored Memories of the Way We Were " .. THIS TOO SHALL PASS. You don't realize this but you are already half way through the battle. Admit that most of you are beginning to accept that your mindset is a culprit, that when you actually allow your mind to focus elsewhere even for a few minutes that your anxiety becomes less. You are winning. I can see this in your posts. Pretty soon we will have you laughing at panic, well maybe not laughing but at least smiling at a distant memory. Hang in there. You sound good NixonRulz glad it's history for you !

05-03-2013, 10:18 PM
I think everyone suffers from depression if they are in the throws of Panic, especially if they are unfamiliar with what is going on. If you look at it logically until you master the anxiety and change your mindset, this beast has it by the throat and that's bound to make you depressed. Anxiety sufferers feel they have lost their lives as they know it, not so but this is about how you perceive it so ? Taming the beast takes some skill but this is about survival of the fittest and trust me you are stronger then anxiety. Game's On...Work on Positive Thoughts, challenge the beast. The beast is waiting to sleep, it just needs your permission. Be kind to yourselves !

05-04-2013, 02:25 AM
I didn't know what it was and phsycologist mentioned it to me but upon searching the word it talks bowt having diff personalities etc ( but she sed that's the extreme side )

I kan be with friends and hear all conversations but I dnt tend to join in , I wil sumtimes just look around me and it seems I'm not paying attention to what's been sed even tho I kan hear everything they say ... It's very weird .. It's like I'm there but I remove myself :-/