View Full Version : Please help :(

05-03-2013, 09:25 AM
This anxiety is completely ruining my life. I'm having alot of trouble dealing with it. Yesterday i went to ER due to muscle spams in my right chest area that hurt like hell and vomiting. They did alot of tests and everything came back fine. My work is starting to get annoyed when i miss days, and i will probably end up getting fired soon. I can't function the way i used to. I just got put on 80mg prozac a few days ago along with the 1mg ativan i was already taking. Nothing seems to work. I have 2-3 attacks per day not including the driving anxiety that i get every time i go to or leave from work. Can i be put on disability for this? I don't want to, but my health comes first and i really need to get better and learn how to cope with this. It has been going on for 2 1/2 months now. I'm sick of feeling like im dying

05-03-2013, 09:56 AM
I've been dealing with my anxiety for the past 2 months, and in the beginning it was so bad I wasn't able to get out of bed, completely debilitated, and seriously thought I was going to die. I only ever left my bed to use the bathroom, couldn't even bring myself to take a shower, it was too much. I know how you are feeling. I believe you can go on temporary disability, I'm just not sure how. Ask your doctor about it, they must know.

But don't worry, you WILL get better, please believe that. It won't last forever, this is just a rough patch. I finally started feeling a little normal just this week, and have been able to do things around the house, and actually get out and drive around. It's a MAJOR improvement from where I was 2 months ago. I haven't been back to work since this has happened, and I'm not sure if my job is there waiting for me.. I have lost a job in the past because of this, but I quit and never went back, didn't get fired.

Are you able to at least do things around the house? Try keeping yourself busy, sitting around thinking about it makes things worse. Hope you feel better soon!

05-03-2013, 09:59 AM
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I can relate because I feel like my anxiety is ruining my life as well. Right now I am not working and it is really hard financially...that makes my anxiety worse. I was in school full time and had to stop because my anxiety got so bad. I'm planning on going back in a few weeks but I truly am not sure if I will be able to manage it. I am having trouble coping with day to day life. I get panic attacks from every little thing...from taking out the trash to going to the store. I feel like so many things are up in the air right now and I don't feel safe or secure. I wish I had some more advice for you. You're definitely not alone in your struggle. Sometimes talking about it helps...that's why I joined this site. There are a lot of people who don't understand what it's like to live with anxiety. They think it's just something you get over. I wondered about disability myself but I have no idea how to go about it or if I would be able to get it.

05-03-2013, 10:05 AM
This anxiety is completely ruining my life. I'm having alot of trouble dealing with it. Yesterday i went to ER due to muscle spams in my right chest area that hurt like hell and vomiting. They did alot of tests and everything came back fine. My work is starting to get annoyed when i miss days, and i will probably end up getting fired soon. I can't function the way i used to. I just got put on 80mg prozac a few days ago along with the 1mg ativan i was already taking. Nothing seems to work. I have 2-3 attacks per day not including the driving anxiety that i get every time i go to or leave from work. Can i be put on disability for this? I don't want to, but my health comes first and i really need to get better and learn how to cope with this. It has been going on for 2 1/2 months now. I'm sick of feeling like im dying

First off and most important, you are physically fine, minus the anxiety of course. Your tests are negative for anything other than anxiety.

So lets only focus on your anxiety and not look to something else since you know you are fine according to the tests that were run.

Anxiety can make you believe you have almost anything. And the physical symptoms cover such a wide array of things.

Spasms, nausea, heart palpitations, tight chest, shooting chest and leg pain.....ALL ANXIETY!!!!!!

The Prozac should begin helping shortly and you will slow down a lot so you will be able to start to focus on educating yourself more in order to heal from this.

Your goal is to stop reacting to your thoughts and physical symptoms.

You stop reacting to them, anxiety can't exist. Pretty simple formula that does take a bit to grasp

You can go on disability. I would do that as a last resort if you are physically unable to work.

The Prozac should help a lot really soon. See if you can push yourself through until it helps you feel better.

Your anxiety is just trying to outsmart you. You know better. You know you are healthy. You know you aren't dying.

It seems hopeless from where you are looking from. But having been there and much worse for that matter, this WILL stop

And before you know it, the sun is shining again and the fu$kin birds chirp so damn much you're gonna want to shoot em.

Today your suffering starts to subside and your healing begins.

Change your mind, not your symptoms.

See ya at the finish line.

05-03-2013, 11:17 AM
I've been dealing with my anxiety for the past 2 months, and in the beginning it was so bad I wasn't able to get out of bed, completely debilitated, and seriously thought I was going to die. I only ever left my bed to use the bathroom, couldn't even bring myself to take a shower, it was too much. I know how you are feeling. I believe you can go on temporary disability, I'm just not sure how. Ask your doctor about it, they must know.

But don't worry, you WILL get better, please believe that. It won't last forever, this is just a rough patch. I finally started feeling a little normal just this week, and have been able to do things around the house, and actually get out and drive around. It's a MAJOR improvement from where I was 2 months ago. I haven't been back to work since this has happened, and I'm not sure if my job is there waiting for me.. I have lost a job in the past because of this, but I quit and never went back, didn't get fired.

Are you able to at least do things around the house? Try keeping yourself busy, sitting around thinking about it makes things worse. Hope you feel better soon!

Thank you. And yes i can do things around the house. It's just a struggle leaving the house every day for work because the drive is about 45min and the entire time i'm having driving anxiety. I'm glad things are improving for you. I'm hoping to follow soon.

05-03-2013, 11:20 AM
I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I can relate because I feel like my anxiety is ruining my life as well. Right now I am not working and it is really hard financially...that makes my anxiety worse. I was in school full time and had to stop because my anxiety got so bad. I'm planning on going back in a few weeks but I truly am not sure if I will be able to manage it. I am having trouble coping with day to day life. I get panic attacks from every little thing...from taking out the trash to going to the store. I feel like so many things are up in the air right now and I don't feel safe or secure. I wish I had some more advice for you. You're definitely not alone in your struggle. Sometimes talking about it helps...that's why I joined this site. There are a lot of people who don't understand what it's like to live with anxiety. They think it's just something you get over. I wondered about disability myself but I have no idea how to go about it or if I would be able to get it.

I can totally relate to you. I was in school full time as well and had to stop attending because of this. Which sucks cause my new years resolution was to complete college -_-. I feel like my anxiety would be a bit less if my job wasn't up my ass about it so much. As you say, they just don't understand how serious this is.

05-03-2013, 11:22 AM
First off and most important, you are physically fine, minus the anxiety of course. Your tests are negative for anything other than anxiety.

So lets only focus on your anxiety and not look to something else since you know you are fine according to the tests that were run.

Anxiety can make you believe you have almost anything. And the physical symptoms cover such a wide array of things.

Spasms, nausea, heart palpitations, tight chest, shooting chest and leg pain.....ALL ANXIETY!!!!!!

The Prozac should begin helping shortly and you will slow down a lot so you will be able to start to focus on educating yourself more in order to heal from this.

Your goal is to stop reacting to your thoughts and physical symptoms.

You stop reacting to them, anxiety can't exist. Pretty simple formula that does take a bit to grasp

You can go on disability. I would do that as a last resort if you are physically unable to work.

The Prozac should help a lot really soon. See if you can push yourself through until it helps you feel better.

Your anxiety is just trying to outsmart you. You know better. You know you are healthy. You know you aren't dying.

It seems hopeless from where you are looking from. But having been there and much worse for that matter, this WILL stop

And before you know it, the sun is shining again and the fu$kin birds chirp so damn much you're gonna want to shoot em.

Today your suffering starts to subside and your healing begins.

Change your mind, not your symptoms.

See ya at the finish line.

Thanks. Your posts are always so inspirational and helps me feel much better.

05-03-2013, 02:25 PM
First, Disability is very tough to get on, even for those that have obvious physical disease. Usually you are denied Disability the first time you apply, apparently the second time you apply it is easier. I can't help thinking that you are already accepting defeat by looking for a long term resolution. This doesn't have to. Be long term. Of course you don't function the way you once did, you are riddled with " fear" not disease. The Prozac will most definitely help you given that it is given for Obsessive Compulsive disorders ( your thoughts are obsessive right now). Also it boosts your serotonin levels because you are depressed. In addition the Prozac will stop you thought process dead in its tracks ( works extremely well at aborting the thoughts of " God I am going to die " etc. The one thing I will tell you Prozac ( unlike Celexa) takes up to 6 weeks to reach its full effect. Don't Panic you will start to see changes everyday. Celexa on ther other hand has a shorter shelf life and reaches its effects in 1-2 weeks. However I personally feel Prozac is more effective with Panic Disorder. It is VERY common in early stages of anxiety for the sufferer to literally get pounded by " attacks" early on. I personally have always felt this was the mind using the body to produce symptoms horrific enough so that he sufferer seeks help. Depression is often, if not always at play here. The Prozac will address both the anxiety and the depression. But this should never stop here with meds, this is about healing yourself. Positive thoughts are essential, change the things in your life that you can and accept that in life there will be those things we simply can't change. Work at knowing the difference between what you can and can't. Accept that you are a good person, willing to make positive changes. Also know that those on this Forum understand your battle and will fight alongside you. But know above anything else that this is a mindset, something that can and will be changed. I speak from experience and knowledge, and am firmly opposed to deception. So when I tell you that the Prozac will work effectively within a period of six weeks, trust me. It is up to you to come to the realization that this is treatable. Deep Breathe, rhythmically ...in through the nose keeping your mouth shut ( 4 seconds in) out through the mouth slowly ( 4 seconds) Keep going slowly.. Break that train of thought, think positive....change words like " if" to "when" . Not if I get better but when I get better OK hang in there .

05-03-2013, 02:29 PM
First, Disability is very tough to get on, even for those that have obvious physical disease. Usually you are denied Disability the first time you apply, apparently the second time you apply it is easier. I can't help thinking that you are already accepting defeat by looking for a long term resolution. This doesn't have to. Be long term. Of course you don't function the way you once did, you are riddled with " fear" not disease. The Prozac will most definitely help you given that it is given for Obsessive Compulsive disorders ( your thoughts are obsessive right now). Also it boosts your serotonin levels because you are depressed. In addition the Prozac will stop you thought process dead in its tracks ( works extremely well at aborting the thoughts of " God I am going to die " etc. The one thing I will tell you Prozac ( unlike Celexa) takes up to 6 weeks to reach its full effect. Don't Panic you will start to see changes everyday. Celexa on ther other hand has a shorter shelf life and reaches its effects in 1-2 weeks. However I personally feel Prozac is more effective with Panic Disorder. It is VERY common in early stages of anxiety for the sufferer to literally get pounded by " attacks" early on. I personally have always felt this was the mind using the body to produce symptoms horrific enough so that he sufferer seeks help. Depression is often, if not always at play here. The Prozac will address both the anxiety and the depression. But this should never stop here with meds, this is about healing yourself. Positive thoughts are essential, change the things in your life that you can and accept that in life there will be those things we simply can't change. Work at knowing the difference between what you can and can't. Accept that you are a good person, willing to make positive changes. Also know that those on this Forum understand your battle and will fight alongside you. But know above anything else that this is a mindset, something that can and will be changed. I speak from experience and knowledge, and am firmly opposed to deception. So when I tell you that the Prozac will work effectively within a period of six weeks, trust me. It is up to you to come to the realization that this is treatable. Deep Breathe, rhythmically ...in through the nose keeping your mouth shut ( 4 seconds in) out through the mouth slowly ( 4 seconds) Keep going slowly.. Break that train of thought, think positive....change words like " if" to "when" . Not if I get better but when I get better OK hang in there .

Are you a doctor or do you just play one on the forum

You are very versed with this stuff

Nice job

05-03-2013, 07:35 PM
No I am not a Dr. But I guess Life Experiences have versed in lots of stuff, but I am not playing Dr and actually you will never see me comment on anything I haven't personally experienced. I minored in Psychology in College and I suppose could go back for my Masters in Psychology. The thing is I believe, psychologist or not one truly learns from experience. I often say " pay attention everyone, you're in school, life's lessons. One of the things that has actually seen me through some rough stretches in life is that everything happens for a reason. Personally my thoughts are people come together on a Forum or anywhere in life for a reason, serendipity if you will. Truthfully I was concerned that I would sound like a Pseudo Dr, but I have experienced applying for Disability for my brother, on that note AI am familiar with the protocol. When my Panic Attacks started it was relatively unheard of, making it difficult. I was never a drug person so I shied away from any all ( the tricyclics antidepressants were what were used then (The SSRI's hadn't yet been introduced)along with Valium) I was afraid, terrified in fact that the drugs would make the symptoms worse. I went through everything Cold Turkey. It was a rough road for 5 years but I maintained and I learned a lot. About 10 years later with a four year old they resurfaced with vengeance, but now I didn't have time for the battle so I opted for an antidepressant, the SSRI's had been introduced and were working quite effectively for most. My problem with antidepressants were that for me , not all , they caused a great deal of weight gain. In the attempt to stop this they switched from Zoloft, to Celexa, to Prozac to Welbutrin ( hence my knowledge and opinion on the effectiveness of Prozac). A piece of advice, please listen. Do not take Webutrin, Cymbalta or others in this class for they are EPINEPHRINE based. People who suffer from Panic Disorder are sensitive to epinephrine and caffeine, and far more to epinephrine. Drs. In general may not be as familiar with this and you may learn the hard way, I did, check with your pharmacists. Drs are overworked, your healthcare is about teamwork. I really hope I don't come across as a know it all. My concern is for all you and that horrible helpless place you're caught up in. It truly isn't a life sentence, it's a trial. Pay attention you will learn so much about yourselves and come through it strong..

I really DO have an anxiety disorder.......I just like meeting new people in Forums. :)