View Full Version : Need anothers advise

05-03-2013, 07:51 AM
Why can't I seem to take my medicine for my anxiety? I taken it all before & it's been just fine. For the last week my anxiety has gotten worse & my doctor doubled my meds to 20mgs. I need to take them ASAP but I can't seem to do it. I have a panic attack just thinking of it. Someone please help me.

05-03-2013, 09:24 AM
Is it an ssri you're trying to take? Alankay

05-03-2013, 10:03 AM
Did you start taking it at all yet? I was on Xanax for a while and it was working for me, then one day I took it I had a panic attack 30 minutes later... thought nothing of it. The next time I took it, same thing happened, panic attack. I called my doctor to switch my meds. Now I am on Klonopin and doing fine, no attacks. I know it wasn't the Xanax, that first attack was because I was anxious about a procedure I was having the next day. But when I took the xanax again it was like a trigger, my brain remembered I had a panic attack last time I took it so it was just a psychological thing. The switch of meds was enough for me to trick my mind.

The medication itself is made to reduce your anxiety, so if you do have a panic attack it's most likely you're doing it to yourself.. give the meds a chance, try to relax, and if you end up panicking just try and get through it. You'll be okay!

05-05-2013, 05:17 AM
Thank you soo much!

05-05-2013, 05:25 AM
Problem is if you have a panic attack at a certain time form then on you may well associate that situation with danger. In reality the xanax or the increase in medication didin't cause the panic attack. If you had a panic attack in a restaurant you might fixate on the fear of eating away from home and then feel tense and anxious the next time you are in that situation. I'd recommedn continuing the course of medication. They take quite a while to kick in and the week off will mean the levels of medication in your body will need to build up once again. If you don't see much improvement after 6 or 7 weeks have another word with your doctor and see if there's an alternative to try. Just remember that these pills don't work overnight. It takes time. In the mean time perhaps read more into anxiety. Try and understand it more. The more understanding and knowledge you have of anxiety the less fear and worry anxiety has to feed off.


05-08-2013, 10:45 AM
Thank you Ed