View Full Version : Gyne appt later on today hands shaking/trembling

05-03-2013, 03:06 AM
Oh boy 5am can't sleep
As I am holding my blackberry n typing my hands R shaking I can bearly type trembling so much

Have a gyne appt tomorrow well later on today and it gets me so nervous. For many reasons and now having an anxiety attack. One reason is I might have cervical cancer....but I am trying not to dwell on it

There is just so much anxiety provoking stuff going on right now.

Anyway hope to get some sleep :)

05-03-2013, 06:52 AM
If I were you, the most troubling thing in your life should be why the hell you are still using a Blackberry

Do they even make them anymore?

C'mon Moon. Step up and get a phone from this decade

Regarding your Gyn appointment, I am a guy so I can't relate to your fear so much but I am sure you will do just fine. You know it's just your anxiety making a hard time for you.

Don't give it any credit and jump in those stirrups like you are a cowgirl!!!!

05-03-2013, 02:42 PM
If I were you, the most troubling thing in your life should be why the hell you are still using a Blackberry

Do they even make them anymore?

C'mon Moon. Step up and get a phone from this decade

Regarding your Gyn appointment, I am a guy so I can't relate to your fear so much but I am sure you will do just fine. You know it's just your anxiety making a hard time for you.

Don't give it any credit and jump in those stirrups like you are a cowgirl!!!!

I have to say, that I was rather surprised by most of this comment.

As a guy I can't expect you to understand this kind of thing. And for someone who who hopefully never experienced sexual abuse I cannot expect you to understand the trigger this kind of appt brings up. The anxiety provoking procedure.

All to say is that though I do have a healthy sense of humour, I most definately did not find your post funny.
To be honest it made me feel worse, cuz this is not a laughing matter whatsoever for me. It came across to me as though I should be more worried about my phone and I am just being silly.

I am writing this trying to be as respectful towards your reply as I can as it is never my intention to be hurtful towards you or anyone on here.

Anyway cancelled my appt and re scheduled it for Monday.

And I am certainly not a cowgirl....Just sayin

05-03-2013, 02:55 PM
My apologies if I offended you in any way. Not intentional I assure you.

Nowhere in your post did it mention any kind of abuse and one would have a hard time getting that out of what was written.

Perhaps in an earlier post you did mention it and I failed to see it.

I figured it was you thinking irrationally from your anxiety about going to the doctor

Just as I hated and became anxious when I had to go to any type doctor for thinking irrational thoughts and worries

I hope your appointment Monday goes well

I'll make a note of your trigger as to not respond to you in a way that may be upsetting

You can keep your Blackberry if you want.

05-03-2013, 04:45 PM
Hey Nix, thanks for your understanding reply :)

I was thinking that prob there was no ill intent. And being a guy, you wouldn't know that when a female feels unusually high anxiety about going to that kind of appt, usually there is abuse in their past. I had a friend that would throw up before a gyne appt and another that hasn't gone for over 15 years I think she said. Not close friends but just ppl that I've come across. Ppl have said that iTs easy for them to open up to me, so I have heard a lot of ppls journeys in life.

So Nix, I thank you for your intentions as I know they were good :) I hope you understand that I had to practice my assertiveness and speak up (hopefully respectfully) or I'd think that perhaps that post was a jab at me

Now I know differently :) and you know now that if your girlfriend, female friend or whomever, that if they have that abnormal reaction to goIng see the gyne, you now know what it probly means :)

05-03-2013, 05:21 PM
How did your appt go Moonstone? Have you had it yet? I have about 3 times differences; one on my PC, and another used on this forum, and then my real life time, I can never work when posts were sent, and whether days have passed etc etc etc....

There is just so much anxiety provoking stuff going on right now

Fuel for the fire Moonstone, fuel for the fire. Use it all for practice. When it can all enter your life, and you don't respond to it, this is cure, this is mental strength. Nothing can touch you in this place.

Ask yourself always, at every moment; Am I perceiving life, things, objects, people as they are or just as I perceive them to be?

How can you ever know? You can't...Conditioning is blinding; Which is why continuous asking of this question causes realization and the dropping of lifes greatest waste of energy; mental worry.

"If I can't know for sure, why commit myself to one way of being. Let's stay in the middle, with no commitment either way. Let's wait and see , let's stay constantly like a cat waiting to pounce" - This is how your mind will begin to answer that question. This is a calm, healthy energetic state. This is how you are naturally designed to be.

05-04-2013, 12:45 PM
Thanks for your input Jesse :)

So true, our perspectives can be off. - especially when I am having anxiety. So with ppl if I think my perspective is off I ask for clarification. It helps :)

Thanks again