View Full Version : Little Tip

05-03-2013, 02:51 AM
If you're addicted to googling symptoms put in anxiety at the start of every search along with the symptoms. You'll soon realize just how common the sympotms you face are to anxiety sufferers.

Googling symptoms on it's own will often lead to reading about all manner of scary illnesses and diseases and will only serve to heighten yoru anxiety.

Remember - acceptance of anxiety is key to the road to recovery; it's the first step.


05-03-2013, 04:00 AM
Such a simple suggestion but damn, how much sense does that make.?

This should become a law!

05-04-2013, 08:02 AM
Yeah I think it would help a lot of people. You all too often wind up in the scary part of the internet when you google symptoms etc. Might have a tension headache but wind up reading about tumours or meningitis and your anxiety shoots through the roof.
