View Full Version : Venting.....

05-02-2013, 06:02 PM
I work at one of the hospitals here as a clerk and today I had to head to the children's hospital to see my 17 year old brother who was dehydrated 😞 I was waiting by his bed and the patient beside us had their iv pump ringing.. It wasn't like a typical ringing in your ear but more of a high pitch single tone... Everyone around me seemed to continue on in what they were doing, yet inside I felt like I was the only one who could hear it. I asked if everyone could hear it and they all said yes.

I felt the adrenaline start surging and panic rising... Sounds silly but anything that is similar to ringing in the ears scares me into thinking I'm going to have a stroke! I feel as though the ringing is my blood pressure rising... I don't have high blood pressure but I fear having it. Another bump in the road.......

05-02-2013, 08:28 PM
Yeah . I have those thoughts too sometimes. Especially if its a constant sound . For example I was in a computer class and everyone was quiet . The only thing I could hear was the humming of the computers and I was thinking to myself what if I'm the only one who could here that and it never stops ... Yeah adrenaline shot they me and I had a panic attack . I don't know why I thought that . It's irrational but ... Oh well